Any lawyers in the house?

[note to Mods] I know this probably qualifies as a IMHO thread, but since it related to a thread here I though it better to put it here for continuity. Of course you may move it, if you wish [/Note to mods]

Ok, first the cite to the original thread

On on the above cited thread I mentioned that my ex was in trouble with the law. Now I’m wondering does anybody know what type of punishment is applicable/likely?

Charge: Possesion of a loaded handgun.
She was arrested along with her new husband, in an unregistered car. Both have prior felonies for drug crimes.

IANAL (But I play one in the classroom)

It would depend on where it happened, and what the laws are in that state/county/city (or all of the above). It would depend on how the DA felt about making a deal and how sympathetic the judge and/or jury are. It would depend on the facts of the case and any mitigating circumstances.

In short, I can’t answer it.

My best advice, one which she’s gonna have to do anyway: get a lawyer.