Any mafia enthusiasts who can answer a question about Generoso Pope?

this site, mentions Generoso Pope:

“Generoso Pope, born in 1891 of peasant stock and originally called Pappa in Beneveto, Italy, came to America in 1906. His lifeÊ
was the stuff of which immigrants dreamt. Starting work as a labourer, he eventually became owner of Colonial Sand and Stone, the biggest construction company in America. He was the first Italian-American millionaire. He owned and published two important Italian language daily newspapers, and became America’s most prominent pro-Fascist. He spearheaded numerous fund-raising drives in support of Mussolini. One of his sons, Fortuna, published Il Progesso, the largest circulation Italian language newspaper in America. His other son, Generoso Jr., one day would publish The National Enquirer, funded initially with financial support from Frank Costello, one of New York’s premier underworld figures…”

No mention of Pope Foods, an importer of Italian foods adn olive oil. Same guy?

Or was it Generoso, Jr.? and was Generos, Jr. a C.I.A. agent as I’ve read elsewhere (sorry, no site).

will happily take usefull links, as opposed to specific answers, if that’s what you’ve got. I’ve been wading through a lot of google.