Any MUDders out there?

I’ve been playing/administrating MUDs now for a little over 6 years. What I’m wondering, is this:

Does ANYONE know what they are? Like 'em? Play 'em?

The reason I’m asking, is because I’ve noticed a definite lack of talk about MUDs here on the SDMB. On the other flipper, there’s LOTS of talk about favorite RPGs, fantasy fiction, computer games, etc. Why is nobody mentioning MUDs?

I’m beginning to wonder if MUDders are some kind of obscure subculture that nobody knows about. Maybe not. Heck, that’s why I’m posting this, I GOTTA KNOW!!

So… MUDDERS OF THE SDMB, UNITE!! Share your MUD stories, revel in your (our) text-based online geekitude, bask in the warm glow of stuff!! Um…at least let me know I’m not alone…


[sub]Or just raise an eyebrow, shrug, and hit the ‘back’ button. I don’t care sniff[/sub]

Well, I am (or was) a wizard on NannyMUD. I haven’t logged on there in quite a while, but the last time I was there, I was still a wizard. I wonder if my area is still open…

I am (or rather, was) one quest away from being a Hero in LooneyMUD. Unfortunately, I just never could complete that &^&$&^%& Hero Quest, and then the server crashed or went bad or something while I took a couple months off and I have no idea if my character even still exists anymore, as I haven’t been there in a while either.

Ohh yeah. Long time Mudder here. Say, about six years experience. I’ve only ever played them, though, never administered or built for them.

First Mud: JediMud. I have no clue if this place still exists, but it was very fun. The only thing Star Wars-related was the Jedi guild, but still, a fun Mud.

Favorite Mud: SWMud, short for Star Wars Mud. I’ve never seen another Mud so well coded or so fun. I mean, how many Muds have space combat systems? I had a few characters, and every single one was a Wookiee pilot. I self-appointed myself Fleet Admiral for the Rebellion and one of the best pilots on the Mud. :wink: Best thing was, nobody disputed me.

Current Mud: Legends of Dracon. As Muds go, it’s average, but the head coder has some neat tricks that make it a fun place to play. Currently, the admin are working on LoD2, which promises to be enormous.

I’ve played many, many others, but those three names are the only ones I recall.

Best things about Muds? Highly customizable; text-based, so they’re very fast and don’t require high computer specs like the current online graphical games; and they’re free!

Granted, most of the people who frequent them tend to be the dregs of the online society, but you can find some real gems. There’s very little else online that can match Muds for online RPGs.

MUDded primarily in college, though seldom on MUDs proper. First on a TimeTravellerMUCK, which I spent mostly playing around with building, and learning the wonders of programming in MUF (a Forth-like stack language). A bit on a Cyberpunk MUCK, which had some pretty decent roleplay…until they activated their combat system.

Did some intensive building on Pandemonium, a roleplaying MUSH with extremely uneven quality, set in Hell, and finished out my MUDding career with a few active years on GarouMUSH, the best damn roleplaying experience I’ve ever had online. Ran stories, worked as a wizard (administrator-type, duties involving rejecting the stream of horribly-written character applications, sighing in relief whenever one was received by prospective players who could actually think and write coherently, and serving as a player scapegoat from time to time.) Haven’t played on any MU* for quite some time now, though.

I don’t know if this quite qualifies as a MUD since it’s not text-based but I’ve been playing Barp for about 3 months now.

Even as I post, I’ve got a window minimized for Gemstone III, where my 52nd level dwarf warrior is absorbing experience in a sort of trance state.

I used to MUD quite vigorously, but then I bathed . . .

No, seriously. I used to be pretty into Avatar MUD, but then I stopped. grumblegrumbleschoolgrumbleworkgrumblegrumble

School? Work? How dare you let those get in the way of Mudding? :smiley:

I’ve become addicted lately to Legends of Dracon, a medieval Mud. I’m pretty sure it’s only because I have a load of friends who play there as well. Whatever the reason, I’ve logged over 200 hours on my current character- over the past month. Perhaps less than a month, it’s all a blur to me… Right now I’m in a lull because most of those 200 hours were spent attaining some extremely high-level equipment at extremely low levels, and I need a break. :stuck_out_tongue: I swear, the way that game operates, it feels too much like work…but to show for it, I have an insanely powerful level 60 (of 100) Spectre Blackguard (Dark Knight, Dark Paladin, Evil Guy, what have you). Why do I put so much work into this guy? Why, to gloat to people, of course. :smiley:

Curses. I was about to ask a general opinion question, but it might rightly be considered a hijack. May have to look into starting gasp my own thread…

Oh my God NannyMUD!

I used to be on there back when…well…when I was in sixth grade! It’s been a long long time.

I broke into MUDs on NannyMUD, and then switched over to…umm…was it DarkCastles? Something along those lines…

I never played too seriously, as I was rather young at the time. But there was a time in my life when I dreamed in text (honestly) and would occasionally say “say hello” out loud.

MUDs are great because they give you so much room for imagination. The problem with graphic role-playing games is they always seem to get everything wrong. There is such a preoccupation with the operation of the game that it is hard to actually get into it. I think that graphic MUDs tend to lose a lot.

I don’t MUD anymore. Mostly it’s because I’ve discovered (ack…geekiness) D&D, where I can get my role playing jollies and hang out with my good friends at the same time.

Of course there is always ZenMOO…

I started on ToonMUSH II, then NowhereMUSH, ToonMUSH 3, and SpuzzyMUSH. Those are all gone now, but I make an appearance on ifMUD once in a while.

I also developed a branch of the TinyMUSH code, called AlloyMUSH… I handed development off to another group a couple years ago, and apparently they’ve done nothing with it ever since. My legacy is doomed.

I’m co-clan leader for Cradle of Corpses in Medievia, actually…I got the honor after having not played for a week and a half, and I’ve barely played in the two weeks I’ve had the title…

Problem is we took Starcraft back out of the vaults and I’ve been playing THAT obsessively every night instead of MUDding. I’m close to quadruple-classing, too…aieeee…

I used to play on Dark Chronicles a lot when I was an undergrad. It also didn’t hurt that the person running the thing lived about 500 feet from me…


I’m logged into there, idling away, even as I speak.

Pausing to finger myself. No, not like that.

I’ve been connected there for nearly two years out of the past eight. Thankfully, 75% of that has been idle (or so I tell myself so I don’t feel pathetic.)

What were your names there?

I, much to the dismay of most of the people who know me, love MUDs. My current two are Threshold and Realm of Despair. I’m much more active on Threshold (My character’s name is… well, Deiket…) and I have two friends who are also playing (but they won’t let me reveal their names…).

I am so addicted to these games that those who once tried to make me see the ‘error of my ways’ have all but given up and let me play…


I’ve only regularly played two MUDs. The first was Mortal Realms–and the second was a really neat “Furry/Anthropomorphic”-themed MUD called Sentience–which crumbled and disappeared one day for no apparent reason.

My character on Mortal Realms still exists. Every once in awhile–I end up levelling him just out of boredom.


I was Kat, of course. Anyone there who remembers me? Who are the wizards now?

I tried NannyMud once after someone came on the mud I was playing and spammed chat about how great it was. I wasn’t real impressed, but then I didn’t stay for even an hour. Most MUDs bore me faster than that. Then again, I’ve heard so many good things about Nanny that it’s probably worth devoting more time to get to know it.

Of course, I was spoiled by the quality of one of the first MUDs I stumbled across. It’s called LegendMud, and while some of the code is kind of old, it still stands head and shoulders above anything else I’ve tried. That includes most of the MUD of the month winners on MUDconnector. LegendMud is a truly unique MUD, with superbly written areas and the most interesting combat system I’ve ever seen on any MUD. I haven’t played there in awhile, but if you like MUDs, this is one that shouldn’t be missed.

I play Act of War, a hardcore PK mud.

Average playerbase is about 70-100 at any given time.

It’s brilliantly coded, split into 4 kingdoms, all original zones, and is basically the reason I’m chained to my computer.

Warning - AoW is not a newbie-friendly mud. Don’t be a dookie-head!


You haven’t logged in for 2 years, 8 months, 18 days, 10 hours, 50 minutes, and 40 seconds, and you’re only 16 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes, and 54 seconds old there … probably not that many who would recall you. Drop on by and see, though.

There are far too many wizards, and the administration has declined over the years. I haven’t actively played in nearly three years; I just lurk there to stay in touch with folks.

I find it hard to believe that people say good things about Nanny. I can’t say enough bad things about it. :wink:

I had a player on the original TinyMUD (the one that run at CMU) and on TinyHELL and a few other Tiny-style MUDs back in the late 80s and early 90s. Haven’t had much to do with it since around 1993, though.

MUDs probably contributed considerably to my first academic suspension.