Any new info about actor Jay Johnston (Mr. Show, The Sarah Silverman Program) being in Jan 6 Capitol riot?

Snopes has no news since 5 March: Did Actor Jay Johnston Participate in US Capitol Riot? |
and nothing else I’ve found with Google seems to have any more info.
Seems odd, I would have expected by now that either he’d be cleared or charged.
Anybody have any luck finding more recent info?

No, I haven’t found anything.

not personally. disappointing it didn’t go anywhere.

Just saw this:

Veteran Comedy Actor Jay Johnston Arrested on Felony Charges in Connection with January 6th

For his alleged attempts to subvert our free electoral process I hope he is shunned by fair people and never works again, and further, burns painfully in hell, should hell exist.

Are you Bob Belcher?

Also, support your local burger pusher.

I liked that guy till I found out he was a real Asspipe.

People with alliterative names are always suspicious.

‘Bob’s Burgers’ Star Jay Johnston Set to Plead Guilty for Jan. 6 Capitol Riot

Insurrection Jan 6, 2021
OP Nov 2021
Arrest Jun 2023!

Jun 25, 2024

Justice moves damn slow! Cripes!

BBC headline says: “Anchorman actor pleads guilty over Capitol riot”

I don’t even remember what he did in Anchorman.

EDIT: Actually, it’s even weirder, the headline mentions Anchorman but the page title on the Chrome tab mentions Bob’s Burgers.

I think he was in the big fight, which is possibly a bit ironic because of the similarity to a riot.