Any TV Guide Subscribers in the House?

I stopped subscribing to TV Guide years ago, but I continue to buy the two fall preview issues every year (returning favorites issue and new shows issue).

Have either of these issues come out yet (and thus I missed my chance)? If not, any word on when they’re coming out?


I used to subscribe years ago, when it was a valuable tool to have. I can’t believe they even still print it.

I still subscribe – out of habit, more than anything else at this point.

Those issues have not yet come out. If memory serves, they usually come out the first couple of weeks of September.

I subscribe but haven’t seen a fall preview issue yet. But, then, I’m about a week behind in reading the articles. :frowning:

I used to get the Fall Preview issue (back when the magazine was small) and read about the new shows and try to predict which ones would be successful. Now I just read Matt Roush’s column online once in a while. Frankly, I can’t make head nor tail of the actual TV schedules they print in the magazine. The IMDB TV listings are much handier.

Used to get it every week, but not with a subscription. Now I can’t even hardly find the magazine in stores anymore, haven’t bought one in so long I can’t even remember exactly when.

Sad, it used to be near ubiquitous with the checkout stands at any grocery store. Some may blame the internets and the fancy guides available on cable boxes. I say that’s partly the cause but so was that terrible makeover from a digest sized guide with localized listings to some sort of Entertainment Weekly wannabe with sparse national listings only.

And I couldn’t believe it when they gave a multi page spread covering the death of Heath “barely ever even appeared on a TV show” Ledger in the same issue as Suzanne “costarred on one of the all time classic TV sitcoms, and was part of one of the greatest moments in TV history” Pleshette got about an 8th of a page and 1 paragraph following her death.

I used to subscribe back when they listed shows so you could see what’s coming on. I’d circle things I wanted to see, and fold the pages so I knew they were coming up. When they stopped listing the full schedule and reduced the listings to a grid on a page that only covered prime time and stopped listing some stations, I stopped buying it. I used TV Guide as sort of a ‘guide’ as to what was on TV. If I wanted celebrity gossip, I’d buy The Enquirer.

Nowadays there are so many channels it’s a chore to see what’s coming on. But I can see what’s on when if I want to make the effort. Roomie does, and has recorded several things I was happy to see. And I can look for specific programmes using the search feature. No need for a magazine that has little information.

My TV Guide with the “New Shows Fall Preview” arrived yesterday, and it is on the newsstand today. It has the new cast of 2 and a Half Men on the cover.

I recently bought a TV guide subscription for my mom when her newspaper stopped publishing a weekly TV section, and she says the same thing — the channels it lists don’t match her lineup, and there is absolutely nothing for daytime TV. I can’t believe they stay in business.

I figured it’d be the next issue given that last year was the week of the 13th. Like the OP I stopped subscribing and only buy the two fall preview issues each year, so I’ve been looking for it too. What the hell was up with the recent “fall sneak peek” issue? I almost bought it before I realized that it wasn’t really the fall preview.

You almost answered your own question. I image a lot of non-subscribers bought it thinking it was the Fall Preview one.

I have the worst time finding complete weekly TV listings, since the *NY Times *discontinued its weekly TV page! I actually subscribe to the local Picayune-Bugle, just for their weekly TV magazine–and it doesn’t cover Logo, BBC America, Ovation and a few other channels.

I looked at TV Guide recently, and found it unreadable and incomplete, local channel-wise. I like having my week’s TV viewing–such as it is–on the coffee table, interesting shows or movies circled.

Yes, I am slightly obsessive.

Awesome, thanks for following up on this thread! I’ve been in a work-bubble all summer, so I wasn’t sure if I missed the issue or not, I have every fall preview issue going back to 1994 (and EW going back to 2003, which does new and old shows in the same week) and I didn’t want to gap the collection.

The 1995 issue said that Drew Carey was the dumbest show of the season and would be cancelled within the first month. I wonder if they got a sneak-peek of the 8th season?

So they were only half right.