Any way to select default Android browser?

My cell phone currently has a standard Android browser (helpfully named browser), Chrome and Firefox. When I open a web page I am asked which to use and whether “always” or “just once.” It seems to ask this with every new domain.

  1. Is there any way to set a default choice of Firefox without being prompted?

  2. Conversely, if I have selected a particular app (say email e.g.) but later change my mind, I have to uninstall the undesired app to be asked the “which app question” again, right?

  1. If you choose the “always” it SHOULD remember it until something is updated or a new app is installed, but not every new domain. In reality, however, it works really fucking haphazardly and is one of the great reasons to root your phone (so you can uninstall/disable the default “browser” app and just be left with Firefox)

  2. No, you can go into app settings (or just long-touch one of its notifications and choose “app info”), then reset its defaults:
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