Anybody else watching Steelers at Titans? Was Cowher seriously CRYING?

I had almost completely repressed that memory and here you bring it up again.

You bastard. :wink:

I will never, as long as I live, forget that game. I was living in Iowa, where the Vikings are pretty much considered the home team. I and my girlfriend and I think my dog were kneeling in front of the TV in devout prayerful positions, and when Morten’s kick was good and we were Super Bowl bound, we all jumped up and down and shouted, and all my Atlanta friends began calling.

I got nasty looks walking around Ames in my Falcons jersey. :cool:

We’ll not mention how the actual Super Bowl went… And by the way, the Vikings have been to FOUR Super Bowls. It was our turn to start losing them.

That’s alright. . at least your team didn’t lay an egg in the last half of the fourth quarter in a game that should’ve been easily won to miss the playoffs entirely (Dolphins)

I thought, okay, that’s fine, I’ll fall back to Team #2, hometown Colts. Let’s just say that was a mistake.

lno wrote:

I am from Buffalo. I know missed field goals. :frowning:

In the last Steelers-Tennessee game, a Titans strength coach poured coffee on Steelers player Joey Porter when Porter pushed a Titan out of bounds on the Titan side. Poured hot coffee on a player, during the game.

Any and all Titans fans, players and coaches who want to boo hoo about anybody else’s poor sportsmanship have about, um, lemme look, yes, have NO legs to stand on.

Come on, tlw. That never happened. A Titans coach would not be so classless as to pour hot coffee on an opposing player.

It was chicken broth.

(Yes, that’s what the coach actually said in his defense.)

Hell, one of the radio stations up here is replaying the play-by-play of the missed kick as part of the promo for their superbowl party. :mad:
Apparently on the off-chance that anybody had been able to forget about that.


Lemme guess, that station I’m an NPR junkie; what station are you talking about? is owned by an Atlanta-based company? :mad:

Ahhhh, that was a beautiful game. I know the memory of it keeps me warm during these trying times.

sigh Stupid Jets. They were supposed to beat the Raiders. Now I have to rely on the Titans.

Slight highjack: Does anybody else think the stadium pyrotechnist should be in the next SouthWest Airlines “Wanna get away?” commercial?

Amen. Plenty of guys cried when my H.S. team lost in the playoffs my senior year. I even got a little misty myself when my college team lost a game 45-0 during my sophomore season (which turned out to be my last.)

As a Browns fan to the grave, I have no choice but to admit Cowher is a very good coach. The Steelers have ALWAYS been competitive under him. But regardless, he’s a whiney asshole for how he acted after that game. There’s a reason roughing the kicker is such a serious penalty; kickers aren’t on the same level physically as other players, they wear less (FAR less) padding, and they’re in a physically vulnerable position on every play. Anything that looks even remotely like roughing the kicker will get called every time, and Cowher knows that damn well. He should’ve behaved with more class.

The station in question is KQDS 94.9 in Duluth. (sister station to KQRS in the cities).