Anybody watching "The Offer"? (You should be.)

I knew about this show but didn’t watch it because its premise sounded rather boring to me. But my mother convinced me to watch it

It’s basically a limited series that tells the story of all that went on to get the iconic “The Godfather” made.

I’m about 4 episodes in and I’m really impressed. Everything in this series is spot on. The writing, the casting, the set designs… All of it!

It’s on Peacock if anybody is interested.

As a fan of the Godfather, I didn’t expect it to be true to the story, which I knew pretty much from other sources, but it appears to be very accurate in how the pivotal events were portrayed. The dialog is made up, of course, but it happened that way it’s shown as far as I can tell. Well worth watching if you have any interest in what it took for a major studio to shoot a film like that in NYC in 1972.

I posted about it here:

And got no responses.

We finished it last week, and thoroughly enjoyed it. The only issue was the subtitles - we like to have them on, since the flat panel TV has lousy sound, and my hearing isn’t great. About 4 episodes in, the subtitles got way out of sync, and were unusable.

Well dang. I searched “the offer” and got zero hits. That’s not the first time the search function on this board has failed me.

Just binged this (on Paramount+) and LOVED it ! I wasn’t sure how the actors would do with such known personalities like Brando and Pacino (and even Coppola), but I thought they did great. Even Lou as Luca Brazi was a nice surprize.

It is clearly Ruddy’s take on what transpired. I had read Robert Evans’ “The Kids Stays In the Picture” and he recounts his “saving” of the movie a bit differently than Ruddy’s version. So I figure the truth is somewhere in the middle. (BTW if you’re into movies and moviemaking, Evans’ book is highly recommended. The Cary Grant story alone is worth it).

My only issue watching it was having to deal with the commercials. If I’m paying a monthly fee for a streaming service like Paramount+, I don’t expect to have to watch commercials. AIUI, some people didn’t get commercials when they say it, and I’m not sure why not. Can someone elucidate?

Are you talking about at the beginning of each episode? Most folks like myself won’t count those as commercials bc it’s stated in the terms of service.

No… during the episode itself, just like a regular network show. It irritated me, and I almost stopped watching it for that reason. I’ve stopped watching network drama TV shows because of all the commercials. I still watch the local and national news shows, though…

I’m partway through the 3rd episode and it has been great and compelling so far.

I never knew there was a weird connection between The Godfather and Hogan’s Heroes.