Anybody wear rejects?

You know the children’s rhyme:

They cost $1.99
They make your feet feel fine

The rhyme doesn’t usually go any further than that. Which leads to my question: anybody prefers no-name brand shoes over name-brands?

I’m not very picky about the name brand of my shoes. This is because I am a little picky about styles I like, and I have two different sized feet, so that makes it hard enough to buy shoes. Obviously, quality is nice when you can get it.

But the real reason I am posting is to say that when we sang the above song in elementary school (and middle, too), it was the same, except that we sang of “Buddies,” which was our term for generic shoes.

I would rather spend 90 bucks on 3 pair of cheaper shoes that fit then on one pair because Jordan said wear them.
Don’t get me started on Nike.

I go to the hush puppie store and buy what ever is comfortable and plain.

Me. I also wear clothing from Value Village and remaindered jeans.

My current favorite place to buy shoes is at an outlet that sells Simple and Teva. $10-$20 for comfortable shoes? Sign me up!

If I can buy something for ten bux instead of thirty, I go the cheap way. But it’s fun to play “guess the irregularity.”

Well, I don’t go for the $100 shoes, but I don’t go for the $5 ones either. I try to stay moderately in between (I especially love sales). I usually buy Vans or Airwalks when they’re on sale.

I can’t wear rejects. I kill shoes. Besides that, did you ever see a 13 reject? nah.

Also, it’s got to have support, big guys need that :slight_smile:

Oh, and black, not those BS neon colors.


I have extremely narrow, flat feet. So it’s hard to find shoes that fit right, and cheap shoes (like Keds) almost always cause me a great deal of pain. So I tend to go for expensive, but well made shoes. I have a couple pair of Docs, and a pair of Naot (Israeli Birkenstocks) which were not cheap, but are very quality shoes.

However, I head for the discount racks for other clothing.