Anyone else freeze in bars/restaurants in the summer?

This last summer, one of my local power companies had a series of ads on how to save energy. In one of them, the Chirpy Lady Worried About Your Bill said that “in the summer, the thermostat should be set at 25C”. The first time I heard it was in a cafeteria which had previously been full of noisy women; when the ad came up there was a wave of shushing, and when that line finished there was a general exclamation of “25? Does she think we’re fish sticks?” A quick poll showed that those of us who had A/C (including the cafeteria, which at that point had the doors wide open and the A/C off) would keep it at 30-32. Whomever had created that campaign apparently hadn’t started by figuring out the actual habits of their actual clients.

I think you represent a distinct minority if you are “freezing your ass off” at 70 degrees even if you are only wearing shorts and a T-shirt. Like you, my SiL is very sensitive to cold but, recognizing that it is her and not all of them, she compensates for it by having a sweater with her when she goes into air-conditioned establishments which, nowadays, is virtually all of them. She even brings small blankets into movie theaters to cover her legs.

Please don’t expect everyone to sweat at 86 degrees because you are cold at 70 degrees. It’s not realistic.

Apparently Jasmine is a fish stick and Leaffan should be moving to Spain :smiley:

I’m sure I’m missing something, but if you can turn it off for your own unit, what’s the issue? Or are you saying you have to go outside and cut the power to the compressor (or flip a breaker inside) that runs you’re specific unit. If that’'s the case, that is odd, why isn’t there a t-stat in the apartment?

Either way, you might try cracking a window, just a little. You can probably find a way to make the heat and cool mix just right.
In my college apartment the 6 other people that I lived with never quite understood how to get the heat working correctly so it was always either freezing or really hot. Instead of arguing with them everyday so they’d do it right, I just kept the room to my door closed and cracked the window. It really didn’t matter how hot they set it, it was easy to make my room comfortable by letting a little cool winter air in.

I usually don’t even notice. I like it when it’s cold. At home I spend most of my time in the basement where it’s at least 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house at all times.

Than again, I’m that guy that’s sitting on the beach in jeans and work boots.

I’ve visited Spain. I could absolutely live there!