Anyone else getting a little tired of Bummer Adele?

Of all the Adele songs I’ve ever heard “Rolling in the Deep” is the only one I’ve wanted to hear twice. So yes, OP. Very.

She’s a modern version of the classic torch singer. It’s what she does.

She has a genre, and it’s neo-soul. It ain’t about happy. Doesn’t have to be sad, necessarily, but if she goes “upbeat” than she’s out of her style.

I’ll grant that she could give the heartbreak songs a break, though. There certainly are a lot of other things to cry about.

In this thread I asked if we were at Peak Adele:"peak+Adele"
To many in this thread, the answer is clearly Yes :wink:

I am reminded of when Whitney Houston’s over-the-top version of *I Will Always Love You * came out and the police were called when someone had played it continuously for 24+ hours or something after a breakup. At least with Adele, there’s a bit of variation :wink:

Yeah, it would be nice if she had different gears and we heard them more. All credit to say, Aretha, who sang her share of relationship ballads - some of the best, but rocked her uptempo songs, too. Could Adele pull off a song like Respect? How far away would Rock Steady be for her?

Rock Steady: Aretha Franklin - Rocksteady - YouTube (bonus points for listening past 2:28, when underneath the backing singers singing “Rock” “Steady”, drummer Bernard Purdie lays down the best damn funky drum break I know. It does NOT get any better.)

Last point: In the Peak Adele thread, we discuss how Adele’s appeal transcends, say, Taylor Swifts in its breadth and depth outside the expected pop star target population. Taylor Swift is the biggest Pop star today, and more power to her for that - Adele is something different. Like Oprah, there is a sense of personal reverence there. Fascinating to watch play out.

I think she’s great and a quantum leap more listenable than most other contemporary female stuff. I wouldn’t have high hopes that she will become a cheery airhead later on either. For whatever reason the default for female singer/songwriters of any significance seems to greatly favor the heartfelt balladeers.

Check for upbeat types in this list.

I think that’s Duffy, not Adele. So she doesn’t even have that going for her.

No, it’s an Adele song. Here is a list of some upbeat Adele songs, although some of the choices are questionable. I would also add “Send My Love” from 25 to the list as well.

Ah, color me corrected. So I officially like one of her songs. Good to know I don’t have to completely ignore her work otherwise.

How’s your writing coming along? Sold a couple of million over Christmas?

The difference between Aretha and Adele, is the same as between a boulder and one of those paper mache things they throw around in Star Trek TOS.

Adele is third hand received musicality. Aretha is the source. Arethas hits were usually uptempo and rocked for one thing. Or they were melodic gems like daydreaming or til you come back to me (Which were rhythmic poems themselve for sure). She was never sappy or manipulative at all, even on Bridge over troubled waters or let it be. There is no comparison with these two.

Adele is a cultural Chia pet. She is a new kind of British invasion though. The offspring of the marriage between Northern Soul worship and American Idol, retaining the worst DNA of each.

I guarantee she grew up singing those songs. The PC crowd will never let us hear her sing them. Never ever.

Speaking of which, I wonder what Aretha’s been up to lately…

Well I can name Aretha, Tina Turner, Joni, Laura Nyro, Carole King, Judee Sill. There are others but none better or even close.

These were all known for rhythm songs and/or genius melody writing. I can’t think of the balladeers.