Anyone else getting Galactic Civilizations II?

This game looks cool. It has no copy protection too. So no starforce to worry about. I have already started to model starship parts. I really liked MOO 1&2 and this is the same idea more or less. I hope the game is as fun as it looks. Anyone else getting it?
Here is the link:

I probably will. Though I really should install and play GalCiv 1 sometime…

I’ll probably look at getting it. I’ve said it before, GalCiv1 was the game that MoO3 should have been.

I would like to pick it up eventually. GalCiv 1 was a solid game, although I never could figure out how to balance my budget. I kept winding up with way too much upkeep, and all the finance things wouldn’t help.

GalCiv II is the original GalCiv squared!

I think I’ll skip it. I played the first one, and found it entertaining but a little too cartoonish and simple. I ended up paying for and downloading the expansion and never mustered up the enthusiasm to play it.

I think Space Empires V is due out soon so I think I’ll just wait for the ultimate in 4x control freak empire building experiences.

I’ll probably get it. I played GalCiv1 and liked it. I found it a bit simplistic; maybe this one will be better.

It just looks like the designers put a lot of heart into it. They are already planning to release free bonus stuff on release day. Plus it is designed to be mod-able which is cool. I think they were disappointed with the first one and have tried to make this one better. I didn’t play the first one so I don’t know. But I have a good feeling about this one after reading about it. I got Civ4. It was pretty good. After awhile though I wished there was more diplomatic possibilities and personalities. This one only has 10 major races so I am leery about that. I hope they add more. I get bored of seeing the same old enimies over and over. I will have to check out the Space empire series. Thanks for the tip.