TCM presents The Shining in theatres October 23rd.
Mrs L.A. doesn’t want to go, but I have my ticket for the afternoon show.
TCM presents The Shining in theatres October 23rd.
Mrs L.A. doesn’t want to go, but I have my ticket for the afternoon show.
I didn’t expect to find a showing around here but to my surprise there is. Woohoo! I’m definitely going. After having seen it countless times on the small screen, I wonder if it will have the same impact as the first time I saw it all those years ago. I just pray that all the ass hats leave their goddamn electronic devices at home.
This is one advantage of digital projection.
I think I’ve only seen it once on the big screen, when it was originally released. I have it on DVD, of course.
I saw it on the big screen at a college film-club showing a couple of years ago, and it was chillingly good.
You might also want to check out this mind-bendingly farfetched documentary: Room 237 - Wikipedia
I’ve seen that and in fact thought about it the last time I watched The Shining. I’ve never really gotten what the big mystery or hidden message or whatever is supposed to be. I know there’s a whole big deal made about how the interior is physically / architecturally impossible, such as the window in Mr. Ulman’s office and I think there is supposed to be a hidden image in one of the posters in the background of the scene when Danny is playing darts. I couldn’t see it. I think it would be really cool if there were hidden meanings and images to add another layer to this great film but as it stands I see none. Did you (**Elendil **or anyone ) see any of what Room 237purports?
Sorry if I’m jacking your thread, Johnny L.A.
No, as I wrote, it was farfetched - just too much so, I thought. Amusing that some people would read that much into a horror movie, though. Obsession can lead one down strange paths.
Nah. I saw it when it came out originally. That’s good enough. They got my money.
This makes the rounds regularly in the various Bay Area rep cinemas, so I saw it earlier this year in a double feature with the brilliant and wacky documentary on the film Room 237.
Well, that was fun. Especially the opening scenes, which lose a lot of their visual impact when viewed on a television.
If you missed it today, it’s playing again on Wednesday.
Cool, several theaters in my town have tickets for wednesday.
Fun fact: With Kubrick’s permission, Ridley Scott used leftover Colorado Rockies footage from The Shining in the final scenes of Blade Runner.
Only in the original theatrical cut!
The ending that Kubrick had removed a week after the film was released, and that basically nobody say?
I always felt Kubrick made a strange choice when he decided to make a horror movie. The horror genre is supposed to be emotional and visceral; Kubrick was always cool and intellectual.
I think Private Bin means the outtake Shining footage was used only in the original theatrical release of Blade Runner, the one with narration and the “Happy” ending. The Rockies footage was left out of the Director’s cut of BR.
That was good. I don’t know about $16.50 good, but I’m glad I went.
Watching the shining in a movie theater is actually scary at parts. I’ve seen the movie a half dozen times, but when you see it in a theater it feels scary. I can’t remember the last time I felt scared watching a movie. I guess for that it was worth it.
AMC has awesome seats in their theaters. Leather recliners with footrests? I’ve never sat in a theater like that.
Just saw this New Yorker cartoon: