I just re watched my videos of Babylon5, and really thought of how much Sheriden really was in love with himself, geez, what an ass!
I really connected to Garibaldi’s character. as he was the only one who had a real different voice of opinion towards the ‘chosen one’ Sheriden.
Delen needs a kick up her smug ass as well !! I was just sick of her long breaths after every sentence. How she was so smug of how her race and weapons were really better than anyone elses.
Treating everyone else as her possessions. urgh. What do you think of Sheriden and Delen? I personally think that there characters were overplayed in everything, how it became not of how the story developed, but the relationship between the ‘chosen ones’ personality cult overdrive!
Must of got some tips from some guy called Joseph or something!
I didn’t mind Sheridan or Delenn, but I’d be very curious to see how the series would’ve played out if Sinclair had stayed on. Seasons 3 and 4 would’ve been very different.
Seconded. Someone really needed to shoot Delenn up with truth serum at weekly intervals and ask her what she’s hiding this time.
And not dying isn’t special. You do something fantastically stupid (Go to the base of the evil aliens) and something fantastically smart (Bring along lots of explosives), you’re a great military commander. You ain’t God.
Hijack not worth it’s own thread
Also, were any B5/Pratchett hybrid fans getting major Sam Vimes vibes off Garabaldi?
Au contraire, I think Sheridan served brilliantly as the commander of the Union cavalry! Sure, his slash-and-burn strategy against Confederate crops was considered barbaric by some at the time, but such “strategic actions” against the economic backbone of the enemy later became commonplace in WW2!
lets face it he was tortured by the Earth Alliance, but was leader of the entire cause, continually puts his life in danger. I know some people put their lives on the line for something or other, but this is ridiculous!
One line to think about for the producers: Thats what lower ranking officers are for.
Oh, and looking at the rangers closely, the are reminicent of a terroist organisation looking at their hierachy structure.
I’ve often thought that Bruce Boxleitner was miscast in the role. If we’re supposed to see Sheridan as a crafty super-strategist, then Boxleitner is too boy-scouty to carry it off well. On the other hand, I think that his ingenuousness tones down the essential arrogance of the character–being The One ‘n’ all–and makes him more likable for me than a harder-edged actor would have.
Delenn? All the Minbari strike me as smug.
Garibaldi was the first B5 character I really took to. He’s so eerily like some of my cousins, he practically seemed like family.
It kinda reminds me of an SNL sketch that parodied a call-in auction show. Among other sci-fi merchandise, they were selling “a genuine Mark Hamill” (played, naturally, by Mark Hamill).
One of the callers said something to the effect of “Are you sure it’s a genuine Mark Hamill? Last year I tried to buy one and it turned out to be a Bruce Boxleitner. I had to have him put to sleep.”
When the time came to cast Sheriden’s insane ex-wife, I was kind of disappointed when they went with Melissa Gilbert (Boxleitner’s real-life wife). I would have preferred Kate (“Mrs. King”) Jackson.
Seriously, folks…any “issues” you have with B5 characters can be traced -directly- to JMS, creator of the B5 Universe. Which was constructed as a five-year arc storyline; practically everything that happened was inter-connected.
Personally, I really loved Sinclair (and yes, I know that’s an unpoplar position, but I did! LOL), and was most upset when it seemed as if JMS had canned him. Although I also love Boxleitner and enjoyed him as Sheridan. Hehe, I agree with Bryan Ekers, though–the ex-Mrs. Sheridan should have been Kate Jackson! (Yes, I also loved "Scarecrow & Mrs. King.)
Dang, I probably need to take out my B5 tapes and watch the show again! thanks for reminding me how much I loved it.