Anyone else remember the alternate ending to "Big"?

The fact that you can dismiss all that evidence so easily tells me that giving you any more evidence would be a complete waste of time.

Great! We’ll be here when you dig up a copy of that “original” VHS. Looking forward to it!

I would legit bet money no copy can be found as long as an end date is established for the search.

And as the guy who started this thread and have followed it for 19+ years:

  1. The ending isn’t there. It’s that other similar movie ending linked numerous times on this thread.

  2. I get first dibs on any betting. :joy:

  1. And when BiggieRemembersSusan finds the tape, Mahaloth gets to be the host of the world-wide reveal at a huge “Alt-Big Fest”. Following a skit on memory by the Radiolab cast, he’ll be introduced by Neil DeGrasse Tyson and both Dopers will become household names overnight.


What? It could maybe kind of possibly happen…

We should start a GoFundMe to raise reward money for a video tape of Big with the alternate ending. Nothing flushes out evidence like cold, hard cash.

Perhaps we could use it somehow to fund the SDMB? This could be the big break we’re looking for!

We could set an end-date and if the tape or any version of the ending does not show up(and it won’t), the cash could go to SDMB.

Here again is the alternate ending people remember as being in Big, but is from another movie.

If that was to me (and god I hate discourse’s reply function oddities), I don’t think it exists either, if that wasn’t obvious :grin:. But hey, if she’s gets the tape, bring it.

Yes! What would work best is if there was a reward. If there was a 10.000 dollar reward im sure wed find it in a heartbeat

I am on a mission

Would you listen to a holocaust denier ? If you witnessed the second world war?

Do you have any idea whatsoever how that comes across to the rest of us? :frowning_face:

The movie which is claimed to cause confusion with the movie Big (shown originally in movie theaters in 1988) is not the 2004 film 13 Going on 30 (shown originally in movie theaters). It’s the 1988 movie 14 Going on 30 (shown originally on television). Indeed, 14 Going on 30 was first shown on television on March 6, 1988, which is 2 months and 28 days before Big was first shown in movie theaters on June 3, 1988. Before you talk about whether or not you were influenced by another film in your memories of Big, you should understand which film we’re talking about:

Pro tip: You’re trying too hard. Don’t oversell.

I would listen to a Holocaust denier (if I had a lot of free time) and would then show them a lot of books and documentary films about the Holocaust and asked them to show me their evidence for their denial.

Please don’t escalate this into a weird irrelevant fight. This is just a discussion about whether a movie had an alternate ending. The answer to that question doesn’t even matter very much. Dragging in the Holocaust can’t possibly improve the discussion.

In general, Cafe Society is for good natured discussions of food and media. Real fights belong elsewhere, not here.


Everyone else please drop the Holocaust hijack as well.

Okay i figured people would take that the wrong way all sensitive and stuff which is fine but its what came to mind and it wasnt meant to offend, haha or maybe it was an offensive joke on my part jus poking fun here and trying to put it all into a different perspective as in having witnessed something and then people blatantly deny it.

Holocaust deniers definitely did not witness the holocaust.

Yes. And they were all kind and rewound. It really is a more civilized place.

Rather absent minded though, seeing as how they lost all the copies, including the ones the television stations played.