Anyone else remember the alternate ending to "Big"?

I remember that quote. Burgess Meredith said it.

This thread will never die…In 100 years, Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, David Moscow, and Penny Marshall will all have been in their graves for decades. This board will be long defunct.

But somewhere, a server will come alive.

‘Hey, I remember the alternate ending of Big!’

Shouldn’t be too long before generally available technology is good enough for someone willing to put the time into it to make a good Deepfake.

Listen, it is all I have to be remembered by. Don’t knock it. I was 23 when I posted it and turn 43 next month.

And thus you shall be immortal.

Yea i understand the concept of two memories mashing together except one would have had to see the other movie for one and i am seeing a red line in all of this, which is this version i have seen and for me is the correct ending. Its all been aired for tv versions and or rentals and or non US versions as people from the uk, the netherlands are all saying the same thing without watching this 13 to 30 movie all of you americans keep putting forth. I think this rather arrogant as i know what i saw and the fact that some kid actor doesnt remember or that there is no record doesnt mean anything it should be treated as science; what you know till now is not fact it just is what information is available to you at this moment. I think the most frustrating thing is some people are giving in to this peer pressure of accepting this false 13 -30 movie as the end as the truth which is false. Stay strong and believe what your eyes saw

Really? Did all of the Netherlands rent the same copy of that video tape? Surely, if that many people recall seeing a version of a movie that nobody involved in the making of said movie says exists, why can’t a single one of them come up with the evidence?

It isn’t peer pressure.
It is stark reality.

You’re saying that you know your memory is right, because that’s what your memory says. If your memory were wrong, how would you know?

The fact of the matter is even in this time and day this version may just be rare and may just have been used in oversees broadcast and rental versions which would make it very rare and well its just my word now which is whatever but people were convinced that the earth was flat because there was no proof otherwise so just reserve some space that you may be the one that is wrong

Not very many people at all were/are convinced that the Earth is flat, and they held/hold this unsubstantiated opinion not because of any lack of evidence, but because they openly denied all the solid evidence in front of their face.

Okay thats another can of peaches.

But this little snippet here;

The Book of Lists, Canadian Edition, 2005 includes the following account: “During test screenings, an additional scene was included at the end, in which Josh is back at school, and a new girl named Susan arrives. The implication is that Susan used the same machine to make herself young to grow up with Josh. Due to audience feedback, this scene was cut, and so the movie ends when Josh goes back home.”

Later corrected in subsequent versions, correct?

All i can tell you thats the version i saw and I hadnt heard of this ongoing conversation that you all have been having for over 20 years and on my own took to the internet to see what happened to the movie i saw

How do you know that’s the version you saw? And how do you know you didn’t see the other movie?

O.K., then-what do you have to say about all the evidence presented in this thread that contradicts your memory?

I would say its a nice essay. However, fact of the matter here confirmed by the book of lists is that there was this version and i hereby am confirming that i have seen it.

The Book of Lists doesn’t confirm that it existed. It confirms that someone else thought it existed.

lol, you keep fighting the No Alternate Ending to Big-Industrial Complex, Biggie!

Justice for Susan!

The thing is i hadnt seen any other version then my ex rental vhs copy until last night and it kinda fucked me up. As i had seen that movie at least 5 times in the last 20 years and well this time i watched on a streaming service called plex via a server and I wasnt expecting an old favorite to come with a new twist