Anyone else see Tom Cruise on "Today" this morning?

OK, I think Katie is old enough to know what she’s doing but this articel is kinda creepy. (but it’s also on Fox News so I’m sceptical)

You know, allt he anti-medication talk and TC’s outrageous behvaior makes a kinda sense. He’s kinda behaving like a manic-depressive who’s been medicated for years and has stopped taking his lithium. Suddenly he’s free and he feels birght and clear and able to make statements that make no sense…

She looked like Olive Oyl (Oh, Dear, Oh, Dear!) biting her lip & wringing her hands in the background of the soaking clip. Funny stuff!

And why did Tom have to drag her to his interview with Matt Lauer? I guess when you make a shitload of money for a few weeks’ work (like the few successful hollywood actors, as opposed to the majority of career waiters who do a lot of auditioning), you have a lot of free time to follow your mega-star fiance around…

Sean Penn and Tom Cruise are certainly idiots, but Bono has done a lot of good work getting publicity for African debt relief. Even people in the field speak well of him.(sorry, no cite, but I’ve seen interviews with development guys who were impressed with Bono’s knowledge.) Whether or not you agree with his cause, he’s put some effort into understanding what he’s talking about. He doesn’t deserve to be lumped in with the likes of Cruise and Penn.

I think we should back off on the he’s-only-movie-star-so-he-doesn’t-know-anything angle. I’m not an expert in psychology either, but that doesn’t invalidate my opinion. Of course, his opinions get a great deal more press than mine but so do Arnold Schwartzenegger’s and he’s a crappier actor than Cruise.

That said, I think what Cruise is saying is pathetic. His “knowledge” is based upon hysterical and vindictive Scientological misinformation and his anti-therapy message could cause serious damage to those with treatable conditions who took his claims seriously and some people surely will.

Seems to me that I had read some of that (Holmes' new "best friend" who is actually a minder to keep her on the scientology path, Cruise approaching Scarlett Johansen and her beeing skeeved out by the scientology recruting tactics), before in other places.

I am begining to wonder how much of this stuff is press generated, or how much is the cult nature of scientology comming out. Cruise just seems to be loosing his grip, Holmes seems more and more like a cult victim. 

 Or maybe when the scientologists were  exorcizing Tommie's thetens, they took out one too many, and pooh-poohed the one that was keeping him sane  :D

Tom Cruise would be beaten to a bloody pulp in a matter of minutes.

This person speaks the truth.

According to Ron Suskind’s book on , The Price of Loyalty, then Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neill became good friends with Bono when they toured Africa together in a tour about African poverty and drought. O’Neill said he was truly impressed with Bono’s knowledge on the subject, commitment to this cause and ability to dissolve political barriers. I’d not lump Bono into that group.
Note: I’m not particularly a Bono fan and have not knowingly listened to any U2 in many years.

I have to wonder the same thing as well. We all know that $¢iento£og¥[sup]®[/sup] is the product of a $50 bar bet, and that it has some flaky beliefs (to put it mildly), but are they really so evil that they dictate members must pursue SO’s based on their income as has been alleged?

Yeah, I really don’t like it when people dismiss what Bono has to say based on his celebrity status. He has done a lot of good, and continues to generate attention and funds for the cause. I respect the guy for that.

Luke: What’s the matter Obi Wan?

Obi Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if hundreds of Dopers suddenly cried out “Cite?” and the channel suddenly changed.

How f*cking arrogant to tell anybody what they do or don’t know when you have no idea what their interests are, what their background is, etc… While I seriously doubt that Matt Lauer has articles published in ‘History of Psychiatry’ or any other journal (save perhaps “Bad Hair Moves Quarterly”), I’m guessing Cruise doesn’t know him well enough to know what books and articles he’s read, his family history or his life experience. Somebody who told any Doper “I know _____ and you don’t” based on such limited knowledge would get a quick note from the Mod and be called a troll in the BBQ Pit if they made any statement as assertive and asinine as “chemical imbalances don’t exist”. I officially can’t stand this asshole now.

And as somebody who worked with the mentally ill for several years, I would love to show him a few of the people who have “non-existent” chemical imbalances and how they act when they are on medication as opposed to how they act when they’re off (i.e. the difference in ‘able to hold down a job and be a functional parent/spouse/child’ and ‘publicly exposing yourself because the voices tell you it’s a good idea’ [which I have actually known people who did]). Such a prick.

I’m also more convinced than ever he’s a major closet case. (Scientology is a very homophobic “religion” and claims to be able to “cure” homosexuality, which is a drawing card for many who joined in the 70s and 80s especially. Can you say Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-rino! boys and girls?.)

Former Coworker: I’ve been reading this book on Scientology

Me: You know that stuff’s a bunch of crap.

Coworker: (actualy quote) No, John Travolta beleives in it.


John Travolta and Tom Cruise - both high school drop outs. If there was ever a better reason to convince children to remain in school, I don’t know what it is.

One out of every ten people who reach the summit of Everest are killed on the way down. I can’t speak for Cruise, but personally, if I had just met my perfect soul mate and she was drop dead gorgeous and she said ‘yes’ to my proposal, taking a one-in-ten shot at dying just to stand on top of the world for five minutes would be the farthest thing from my mind. :dubious:

I heard it was one in four. I don’t have a cite. Heard it on one of the National Geographic Channel, or maybe it was the Discovery Channel, just recently. One in four is hard to believe. Seems like those numbers would be a deterrent for anyone who wasn’t suicidal.

Tom Cruise, Scientician :rolleyes:

Hearing that, I hope he does decide to go on an expedition. I like those odds.

Yeah, I’ve heard that one-in-four figure myself. I wasn’t going to quote it because it seemed extraordinarily high, and I didn’t want anybody to call me on the carpet about it. So I did a quickie Google and used the first figure I could find that sounded authentic and seemed to come from a reasonably authoritative source. However, I think it was in the book Into Thin Air that I also read the one-in-four figure.

I thought it was far less than this, but it seems to be roughly in the ballpark: This site suggests 1 in 6, although this more official looking site lists 2249 summits and 186 deaths (1 in 12) total. Doesn’t say which of these deaths were post-summit though, so the risk of dying post-summit would be even more favourable than the 1 in 12 figure.

Anyway, if Tom Cruise summits everest, I’ll eat my own head.

As someone who always thought he was a bit of a jackass, it’s nice to see that other people are finally seeing the light. Please, Tom Cruise, engage in more shenanigans!


The terrible thing is, I actually wanted to see War of the Worlds. Sure, the buzz is that it’s abysmal. But Dakota Fanning does well in even crap movies. (Hide and Seek, for example.)

I probably would have held my nose about the Tom Cruise thing and went to see this one in the theatre, because big, stupid movies are better in the theatre.

Now, though – I can’t do it. Tommy boy needs to be brought low. Not about to grudgingly ignore the fact that he was cast at all. Whatever can be done to consign the man to the dustbin of celebrity will be done. No theatre tickets, no DVD purchase, no DVD rental.

This transgression shall not stand.