Anyone else still hasn't opened a Facebook account?

Imho, the people who sign up are providing free content for FB. I don’t provide content for free.

Nope, never have, no interest in it.

Do you get paid to post on this board?

Its a give and take here, i help where i can knowing that others will do the same for me. But usually for grammar related information, i expect 35-60$ an hour.

You don’t?!


I had one briefly, closed it, and never went back.

Never signed up for Facebook. As I’ve heard it described, there’s just nothing there to interest me.

You just did.

I’m sorry, but I doubt that FB really cares if I provide them content or not. It’s not like my FB is some fabulous realm that draws in lots of hits for the company.

I use it to keep in touch with family and friends and sometimes to post articles that I wish to read later but don’t want to jot down or add to my favorites toolbar.

I have a Farcebook account only because some services and memberships actually require you to have one to use their service or post on their site.

I don’t have one, but I didn’t click ‘never’, I might get one some day if I can ever find a reason.

which ones are those? I use online services a lot and I’ve never needed to have a facebook account, hopefully that doesn’t become a trend.

I’m boring and have no friends. No one would look at my page and I’d just feel like a loser.

I voted “Never” but I do have an account under a fake name so I can play Words with Friends online. Facebook keeps asking my fake identity if it knows various people. I have even gotten non-spam friend requests from people.

That’s nice, dear.

I rarely look at my friend’s pages, but when they post something, I see it in my timeline. That’s the primary way people use FB, not going out to individual pages of friends.

I have never had any interest in Facebook.

I think you may have inadvertently biased your poll results by the title of your thread. :slight_smile:

I have one and I love it. best way to get cute animal pictures, is what.

Newsfeed. Your timeline is pretty much synonymous with your personal page.