Anyone Else Totally on the Fence About the War?

One of my many charms, as another Doper pointed out, is that I am willing to admit that I am a total idiot on some topics. This current war is one of them. I watch the NBC Night News and say, “Hmmm, Bush and Powell seem to have a point,” then I watch The Daily Show (the best political info on TV, as far as I’m concerned), and I say, “Hmmm, they seem to have a point, too!”

So I have been keeping out of all the debates (though I have been reading them here on the Board), and have not come out as either pro or anti, just keeping my fingers crossed that this will involve a minimum of mayhem, and that if suicide bombers start going off, Baby won’t be standing next to them.

Anyone else willing to admit they don’t know what the tarnation is going on?

I’m on the fence right next to you. I’ve been doing the same thing, reading, listening, and watching. I’m not sure how I feel. Some times yes, go bomb them to the stone age, and some times, lets take more time, this isn’t right.

Is there any more room on that fence??

The most depressing thing is that I have sort of a bag of opinions - each holds water independently provided certain facts are true…the same facts that I keep hearing different versions of on television, in the papers, etc. I suspect that I do not support the war, but feel like I can’t very well mouth off about it if I haven’t got a better plan. On the other hand, I respect a person’s decision to serve in the military and I feel like the default feeling towards any conflict is to support your soldiers no matter what…Support the warrior not the war? Do I even trust myself to understand the war?? Ack, I’m tied in knots…

Yeah, I’m struggling with this. Saddam is a zit in need of popping. I have no issue with that. But should we be the ones doing it? Is that, in fact, what we’re really doing? An awful lot of what’s going out on TV and the radio seems to be way too revealing. Yet I feel as if something is being kept from us. And my very limited foray in an Intel-related job has me questioning things that never would have occurred to me before.

As I was driving to work this morning, I came to the conclusion that the only ones who will be able to say for sure if this war is the right thing are future historians. I’m just doing my best to live my life as normal now, since there’s not a whole lot else I can do.

But I don’t like it all… I just don’t get it.

That pretty much expresses my views too. Saddam is clearly a bad person in need of urgent removal, but I don’t trust Bush’s motives, I don’t trust his assertions and justifications, and I don’t trust his evidence. Had he actually attempted to use any form of careful diplomacy, the US might well have gotten what it wanted with the cooperation of a much larger section of the international community and this would look less like a gratuitous power grab.

So while I’m not averse to the idea of military action to oust Saddam, it’s this war that I’m opposed to.

I hate making one-line “me too” posts, but…

FairyChatMom summed up my feelings perfectly. Except I never worked in Intel.

That sums up my feelings perfectly. I thought I was anti-war, purely because I objected strenuously to the Bush administration’s handling of so-called “diplomatic” efforts. I never doubted that Hussein was A Bad Man, and I was never sure either way on the WMD issue. All I’m hoping for now is a speedy end to fighting and as few deaths on both sides as possible.

Right there with you.

I’m certianly not “anti-war”, but when I discuss the situation with someone who is pro-war, I come off (to them) as such; likewise, I’m certainly not “pro-war”, but when I discuss the situation with someone who is anti-war, I come off (to them) as such. I’m just trying to reason it all out–as I’ve been trying to do for more than a year now–and am finally convinced that not only do I not know, but that nobody really does.

The only thing I’m sure of is that I hope it ends soon.

Smack in the middle. NEI (Not Enough Information), though I don’t even know what “EI” would be.

My boss yesterday asked me where I stand on this war stuff, and I must’ve sounded like a dunce who doesn’t follow world affairs because I kinda mumbled “Uh, dunno, really,” though actually i’ve spent more time watching the heads on TV than most people. I’m really strongly in support of both sides here, and it’s making me a little nuts, truth to tell.

The way I see it, if people on both extremes of the debate disagree with me, I’m probably in the right place. :slight_smile:

On the fence? No, not exactly.

I don’t doubt that Saddam Hussein is scum, and I won’t mind seeing him ousted.

I’m disgusted by the reactions of many of our alleged allies.

What bothers me is NOT that President Bush is taking military action- it’s more the way he’s done it. As I’ve said before, I UNDERSTAND why he’d be angry and disgusted with European peaceniks… but while I (an anonymous nobody on a message baord) can afford to trash the French and the Germans, a President CAN’T. Even if we CAN defeat Iraq without the help of our allies, the U.S. is NOT omnipotent. We don’t have nearly enough money, manpower or firepower to police the world by ourselves. Sooner or later (probably sooner), we WILL need our allies again, and President Bush is going to regret alienating them as he’s done.

Beyond that, I’m not sure that taking out Saddam (nice as it might be) is the best use of our money and resources. We have a lot of enemies (real and potential) who pose a more immediate threat than Saddam.

So… I WANT this war to go well for the U.S. And I WANT to support a President who seems to share most of my ideals. And I scoff at those who think this war is either immoral or a mere cynical ploy to take over Iraq’s oil.

But I also wonder if this war is a good idea, in purely PRACTICAL
terms. I wonder if the possible consequences (what if the fall of Saddam leads to a power vacuum that’s filled by Islamic fundamentalists, for instance?) could be worse than the current reality. And I wonder if the American people are prepared for something more bloody, expensive, and time-consuming than the last Gulf War.

Maybe we should get together for a rally. I’ll start making up signs reading, “HELL, NO—WE DON’T KNOW!”

The fence is definitely creeping up my butt.

I’ll make ones that say "Make love . . . and maybe war, too, but then again . . . " :wink:

I’ll wear the sandwich board front and back-

Part of my issue with Dubya’s leadership is that from his remarks on Iraq beginning in December, I knew we were going to war. I got the distinct and unsettling feeling that going to war never hinged on the behavior of Iraq or the international community.

jr8, Crusoe, FCM, thank you for putting it in words (a good deal more eloquently than I did…)

Let’s compromise: “Make tough love”.



Looks like it’s time to build a longer fence.

I am generally an “anti-war” person. I know Saddam is an infected herpe on the genitals of the world, but I don’t think that war is the answer. Sometimes I feel like America is the big brother who beats the crap out of his little brothers when they don’t do what he says.

Then again, Saddam is a friggin’ madman. According to his biographer, yes, he did help build up the infrastructure of Iraq prior to becoming the leader. But just building roads and getting electricity running does not earn you the nickname “The Butcher of Baghdad”.

This fencepost is uncomfortable. Anyone got a cushion?

Sigh…I’m here. I’m ambivalent. Get used to it.

I’m torn…Bush should have been able to work something out besides blowing these people off the planet. Presidents are supposed to be good at this stuff.

On the other hand, Saddam is a schmuck and needs to go. I just can’t believe tighter sanctions and some glassy stares couldn’t have put this off a while longer – or even permanently.

The bigger issue is the irreparable damage that has been done to world relations, world opinion, and domestic faith in the system. Couple that with the fact that we aren’t entirely over being “uck-fayed” over by the government during Vietnam, and you’ve got yourself a clusterfuck of massive proportions.

Other than that, I don’t know what to think. Is this the lesser of two evils, or is Saddam’s reign?