Anyone else watching "Lost In Space" on Netflix?

For season 2, I love the sail rig and a little thing they did that you almost never see on TV/movies. When Will ran the chariot into a wall and the airbag went off, he was covered in powder which is what often happens in real life.

A minor thing, but in the The Expanse thread, I mentioned how stupid the computers/communication devices look. Nobody is going to be using slabs of glowing Lucite in the future for the same reason nobody would use them now–a transparent screen would be a terrible interface. I’ve noticed that the screens on Lost in Space look pretty much like screens now, which is much more realistic–thin flat rectangles are pretty much the optimal design for actual use rather than just looking “futury.”

Halfway through season 3 now. It still has to have an insurmountable, effects-heavy existential crisis that is surmounted anyway in every episode. And the Robison kids are getting harder to pass off as Robinson kids.

I watched S3 E1-3 last night. Will definitely hit the big P.

For extremely smart kids, they’re not very bright.

Yeah. I mean, she’s the villain, so we’re not supposed to like her. But that’s not why I hate her. I can’t take her because her character is so useless. None of the shit she pulls really has any effect on the overall story. It’s like she’s just there to drag things out. Whenever she comes on screen, I’m thinking “man, can we just skip on to the next scene, please?” And the actress is not very good, to boot.

Just finished Season 3. You’ll be pleased to know they are still spending money on decent sets and non-cheap CGI that make it look great. The characters continue to develop a bit. The central plot becomes massively convoluted and silly.

I suspect the lurching from disaster to crisis to catastrofuck is really an attempt to catch the episodic cliffhanger-every-week tenor of the original. There was minimal continuity in the original Lost in Space episodes, and every week they re-arranged the plaster rocks and carried on. Maybe bingeing it, you are just more conscious of how constant this was. And I think the relentlessly optimistic attitude of the Robinsons is also a deliberately ironic nod to the originals.

There are many, many worse piles of steaming garbage you could spend your life watching.