Anyone Ever Lose Their House Keys IN Their House?

I have done that. I am also currently in the process of replacing the things that are/were in my wallet, which is very likely lost in my house, since no one has returned it to me and there haven’t been any charges on my debit card.

No, just my damned glasses.

I haven’t locked my house in 10 years. I have no idea where the keys are.


Can’t entirely remember but I think it was in a pair of old shoes at the back of the wardrobe.

Damned car key gnomes…

Thank you – that meatloaf visual always makes me smile.

I managed to lose the only keys* to the car* just as I and my new wife were about to leave on our honeymoon. Our **driving **honeymoon. This would have been 1989. Spent like 2 or 3 hours scouring the house, they just had to be in there somewhere.

Eventually found them on top of the safe at the back of the wardrobe. How or why did I put them there? Still no idea whatsoever to this day.

Yes, I have. Many times.

It’s especially bad for me, since the doors here have deadbolts with keyholes on the inside (rather than the twisty thingies), to thwart potential burglars entering a window and being able to unlock the door from the inside easily.

But, there are spares, thankfully, and I don’t live alone, so if I have to use a spare to get out of the house, I can easily re-enter.

P. S.: Some of y’all may be wondering “well, what would happen in case of fire?”. Well, at each end of the house, two of the windows have special burglar bars (as opposed to the others, which have regular ones) that are hinged and have twisty deadbolt thingies on them from the inside (keyed on the exterior), that can be unlocked and pushed out in case of fire. The bars are designed to make it impossible to unlock the thing from the outside without a key. :slight_smile:

Not my keys, no, but I echo Leaffan in that I seem to lose my glasses way too easily.

The last time I lost my house key it was still in the door lock.

The last time I lost my phone it was in my left hand and I was talking on it grumping to my friend that I couldn’t find my phone…

Distraction Disease at its finest.

mine had fallen off the recliner into a paper bag sitting on the floor behind it.

Or something like that-- it’s been a few years since that experience.

But they were lost for a couple of weeks-- fortunately, I had spares.

Back in '84 I was a first-year science teacher. I set my keys down, and they disappeared forever. Since then, my keys have not left my pants pocket except in use, and I have never lost track of them.

Check the trash cans too – I hope it’s before trash pickup day

Haha. Even now, occasionally I’ll pat my left pocket and suddenly think: “OMG, my keys aren’t in my pocket! Where did I leave my keys??” And a moment later I’ll realize that…I’m driving. :smack:

I always put my keys in a bowl by the phone in the kitchen so I don’t lose them, except sometimes I put them down somewhere on my way to the bowl and then I can’t find them.

If I’m lucky, the brain cell that fired when I put down my keys and thought, “better remember where I put these”, will refire when I go to look for them again. If not then I’m wandering around the house muttering to myself that I know I put them somewhere…

Last time they were good and lost, I had put them down on a box beside the back door as I came in and then they slipped down into the pile of stuff that lives back there. It was only much later when my friend on the phone walked me through every step I took when I came in, that I finally found them.

I have a little basket that hangs next to the door. In it go keys and stamps, the keys because I need to put them somewhere the instant I walk out the door, and the stamps because if I’m mailing them, it makes sense to have them handy as I go to the post office.

I lose them all the time. That’s why I have 4 sets. I was all set to take off to Burning Man, when I discovered I lost my keys. I had only one key for my Yakima racks, and my bike was locked in it. There’s no going to Burning Man without a bike, and it was too late for a locksmith, so I went down to REI and bought a set of 10 tumblers. I got out a hammer drill and spent 3 hours drilling it out whereupon I was thinking about when I had my keys last, and remembered that I was opening a box from Amazon. Sure enough, my keys were in the damn Amazon box. By then, the lock tumbler was ruined, but I have a bunch of other Yakima accessories, so I just pulled a tumbler out of another bike carrier and finally got on my way.

Lost my keys. Searched my house from top to bottom. I finally called a locksmith to get me inside my locked truck because I was sure that was the only place left they had to be.

As I’m waiting for the LS to get there, I started to fuss around in the kitchen. Now, I had already looked in the kitchen a dozen times to no avail. Anyway, on the kitchen counter, there was a single paper towel laid completely flat on the counter. I moved it, not with the intent for looking for my keys, because a set of keys would have made a lump under that paper towel big enough for me to see. Thus prompting me to look under there the first time I searched the kitchen.

The damn keys were under there the whole time! The towel wasn’t actually laying completely flat. It just looked that way because the towel is the same color as the counter. Gah!!

Talk about feeling stupid. I least I found them in time to call the LS off.

Mine are usually not JUST in the fridge, but inside a plastic grocery bag of food inside the fridge. If I’m in a hurry and just stuff the bag of perishables into the fridge, planning to unload it later, I usually have been in too much of a hurry to slip my keys into my coat pocket or purse where they belong and they fall into the bag as I slide it off my wrist and race for the bathroom…

We have a basket where we put our newspapers before and after reading. We then carry the entire basket out to the recycling container at the end of the week. You’d be surprised to see what falls in-between the newspapers during the week, so much so that we’ve resorted to picking up each newspaper separately before putting it in the bin. We’ve found toys, important mail (IRS!), books, socks, a phone etc between them. (But not keys.)