Anyone going to the College World Series in Omaha? I will be there!

This will be my fourth year at the College World Series in Omaha, Nebraska.

I will be there from Sunday, June 15th to Wednesday, June 18th.

If any dopers will be in the area, let me know!


No, but I’ll be watching it, as I have been for some of the Super Regionals. [Go 'Canes!]

Who are you rooting for, Philster?

Bah! Go Dawgs!!

Wish I could be there.

Well, I have no favorites, but in past years North Carolina had the hottest fans and I was happy to see them come back game after game and root for their team!

Heh. Say hi to them for me - I’m glad they are going back for another try again this year!

Curious since I’m in Omaha, what is the general opinion (if there is one) of Omaha’s plans for the new stadium. What do folks outside of Omaha who are Collge World Series fans think?

Friend niblet_head

Hey there neighbor!

Hey, there!

They want to tear Rosenblatt Stadium down??? :frowning:

the bastards…how dare they even propose that!

So, I would say I am very against a new stadium. FTR, I was born and raised in Omaha and have fond memories of many summer days spent at Rosenblatt watching baseball games. I watch the CWS and get homesick. A new stadium would probably put me off the CWS permanently.

I don’t see anything on the site about tearing Rosenblatt down. As a matter of fact, they specifically state that they are looking to build the proposed stadium on a different site.

No, it’ll come down. Part of the official deal is that the city will sell Rosenblatt to the Henry Doorly Zoo for $14 million. That’ll mean it will become parking or a new exhibit. I doubt the Omaha Royals will want to continue to play there after a cool swanky stadium is built, and that leaves no one to use it, really.