Anyone heard of a good job offer?

I’m not sure how this is going to come out, but if anyone has heard of a good job for me, or a general type of position, I’d be amenable…

Objective Technology-oriented position in a useful service organization

Education The University of Tennessee (Knoxville, TN)
Bachelor of the Arts in History
Graduated December 2003
Grade Point Average: 3.49

Experience The University of Tennessee, Data Technology Group
June 00 – present Senior Student Computer Support Specialist
· Aid Outreach Division personnel with personal computer and network difficulties; exercise System Administrator rights and corrected network errors to solve problems
· Support online students for PEMBA, PROMBA, and NJATC programs, as well as distance education credit classes
· Provided on-ground support to one major UT conference

Honors Golden Key Nation Honor Society Member
Dean’s list 5 semesters

Activities Wyrd Science Fiction Club
President, Fall 2002 through May 2003
Increased contemporary membership 100%

Additional · Former Boy Scout – Achieved Eagle Scout rank
Information · Received Dugdale-VanEyes Scholarships for 3 years
· Familiar with Microsoft Office, Excel, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, and all Windows operating environments. Familiar with Groupwise and Novell server systems.
· Have traveled throughout the US and parts of Germany
· Elementary Proficiency in German, some experience with Japanese
· Former Polygon magazine intern

Date Available Upon two weeks notice

Just a question (that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to) - have you worked with the information science DE program at all?

I’m an on campus student in that program and my assistantship is associated with that program.

Umm…no job leads at the moment though, sorry.

Sure, it pays $250,000 a year, requires no skills, thought, or even presence at your place of “employment”. There’s free ice cream, swedish massages, and the company will cover for you if you pick up something awkward on a “business trip” to Thailand. Pot smoking, drinking, and orgies are encouraged. How’s that for a job offer?

Oh. You meant for you. Nope. Sorry. But if you’re looking for something education oriented you can look here for jobs at GMU, where I work.