Anyone here familiar with clotted cream?

You can get clotted cream at Giant Eagle in Cleveland?!! I may be in the wrong city after all!

The last time I had clotted cream, it was when I was visiting my aunt in Devon. It was truly wonderful. If you can find it, I highly recommend it. Meanwhile, I’ll have to check my local Giant Eagles.

I’ve been to England a half-dozen times, but had never heard of this until my last trip. It is heavenly on a scone (which we pronounce in Canada as ‘scone’). I have searched in vain for some here.

We’d pronounce it scone here in the midwest…if these savages knew anything about 'em.

Oddly enough, yes. It is in the specialty cheese case near the english cheeses. At least that’s the case at the GE on Center Ridge in Rocky River. Anyway, I have been very tempted to buy it on several occasions, but I just can’t get over the fact that it is around $16 for an 8oz jar. :eek: But after this thread, there is no way to pass it up on my next trip.

FYI, if you want to try this, you’ll need non-homogenized milk. Cream will not rise to the top of regular milk, and what does rise to the top eventually will definitely not be cream.

I’ve bought it once here, but for some reasons I never have scones here that are anywhere near as goddam heavenly as the scones in England. I’m not sure whether it’s the quality of the flour or the cream or what, but English scones were just fantastic, whereas the ones here are like a biscuit’s poor cousin.

I was in England 13 years ago, and I can still taste those scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream. Amazing, simply amazing.


Dammit, man–I’m leaving for London Thursday! Which pronunciation is it?

I will note that there are few words I less associate with yummy food than “clotted.” I could say more, but in the interests of humanity, I’ll ring off.

Everyone was being smartass by saying they pronounce it as “scone,” which is really unhelpful, seriously, guys. Of those two pronunciations, use the former.


Do scones come in chocolate? I’m not a fruit person, but I like almost anything chocolate.


My folks lived in Cornwall for several years and Dad had his own garden. So the cream tea I had featured his handmade scones and homemade jam. Heaven! :slight_smile:

Little did I know of the national debate in England over clotted cream vs. double Devon. Research shows that clotted cream has a minimum fat content of 55% while double Devon hits a Twiggy-like 48%.

According to impartial taste-testers at Lady Gayle of The Tea House Times–I kid you not–clotted cream tastes slightly better than double Devon, perhaps because of the higher fat content. This sounds vaguely reminiscent of the Budweiser “tastes great, less filling” debate that currently rages in the colonies.

P.S. No word from Lady Gayle on the scone vs. scone pronunciation conundrum.

You can add chocolate chips to them, the same way you’d add raisins or sultana.

LHoD, I’ve been known to make scones at times. Shall I send you some next time I do? Express mail, of course.

In general:

Southern softies and other sundry posh types pronounce it to rhyme with “own”

Us gritty Northern proles pronounce it to rhyme with “on”

The only Northern Irish person I’ve heard say it came out with something akin to “skwan”

Scone Palace is pronounced “Scoon”.

Hope this helps.

Just remember that you don’t pronounce as in “The Stone Of Scone” and you’ll be all right. (Even I, trencherman though I be, would be daunted by a stone of scones.)

But clotted cream is to die for. Arteriosclerosis would be the likely method.

Yes, enough frivolity. The northern pronunciation that rhymes with ‘on’ is the most likely to be universally understood.

Hey, that’s where I shop! Want to split a jar? How come you haven’t been to the CleveDopeFests?

Ooooh, wait! The next CleveDopeFest could be a cream tea theme instead of the usual beer and wings and pizza at Pacers, or picnic at elmwood’s! Maybe then I could get ** Lillith Fair** to attend! What do you think, guys? A sure way to get more Doper Wimmin there!

And for the record, I pronounce it “scone”.

Bah. My mince pies with a dab of mascapone in them have always gone down amazingly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I first encountered “clotted cream” on a flight from Manchester (UK) to Dundee. It came with my airline-issued bread thing (bun? roll? Scone? God knows. Airline food is its own subphylum) in a little plastic container. “Clotted Cream”, it said.
I’d heard of it before, but didn’t know anything about it. We don’t have it in the States, and to an American, it sounds distinctly unappetizing. “Clotted Cream” is what we would call it if you left the cream out of the fridge overnight in hot weather. The lumps of curdled milk solids floating in the whey. “Clotted” like blood. Yecch. It’s a hard image to get over.
To my surprise, it was butter-like and good, but I still have a hard time gwetting over that initial mental image.

Hi kittenblue! I only joined up last July, so I haven’t had the opportunity to experience a CleveDopeFest yet (unless I missed the thread). Beer, wings, and pizza? Well that’s my weakness, but I could go either way :stuck_out_tongue: And as for splitting a jar, I can tell you right now that I am going to need a whole jar to myself!

I just want you all to know that, apparently, this thread really got to me. Last night I had a dream about clotted cream. I was in the store mentioned earlier and I was looking at the jars of clotted cream in the cheese case. I noticed that one of them had leaked some of it’s contents onto the grocery store shelf. I looked up, and seeing as how no one was around, I swooped some up with my finger and licked it. :eek: Really, I swear that I wouldn’t do that in real life. Really. Don’t look at me like that. Tasted good though.

Except in the south, where they will look at you oddly and wonder if you mean “scone” to rhyme with “tone”.

(Unfruited scones, strawberry jam and clotted cream. All else is Satan’s snare for the weak of faith.)