Anyone here play an instrument?

hello Iam the new guy and I play saxophon (barritono & soprano) and I used to play drums and a bit of guitar. :slight_smile:

bye sev

Flute. I studied classical flute for a number of years, and still play it. Some professional friends are trying to get me out to play with them, but I think I need more practice first. Recorder and tin whistle are similar enough that I can play them too.

Piano. But I learned it years ago, and I am long out of practice.

Spoons. (Yes, that’s where my user name comes from.) It’s harder than it looks to get them to sound good, but I must be doing something right because I occasionally get calls from professional musicians who want me to play with them at a pub or club. Usually they want to add a touch of that “down home” or “kitchen” sound to their Celtic/Maritime/Appalachian tunes.

I played the trumpet from the sixth grade to my senior year. I also tried the guitar when I was in my teens. I think I would have been more motivated to continue playing if I had liked my instructor. I also started taking piano lessons but I got too busy with college. Now if I want to make music I just plot it out on a MIDI music sequencer.

21 responses and not a single reply of ‘skin flute’.

Ah, well.

I was a studio musician in college playing classical guitar and lute accompaniements for various classical performing groups. Typically I was an uncredited performer and did it for cash per song. I can play many others to varying degrees but would say that I am most comfortable on those two and to a similar but lesser degree on the viola da gamba. If I ever get mine repaired and practice the bowing again, it would be pretty close to the first two.

I sure wish I knew how to play the accordion.

I mainly play the tenor saxophone, since I was 14 (I’m 33 now.) When I was 22 I got a guitar and started teaching myself. I can also play a bit of piano and drums.

I play the piano badly and various sizes of recorders, all badly. I also sing alto, and I’m pretty good at that. I’m what they call a good choral alto – not a soloist but a solid choral singer.

I also play the Hawaiian nose flute.

I play the flute, and was pretty serious through high school and college, but I rarely play now, because it seriously affects my TMJ. Which makes me sad, cause I used to love it.

(I know this is very hilarious, but try to resist the sex jokes, people.)

I played tuba throughout high school and college, but haven’t played more than a few times since.


Quotes from fellow Dopers:

*I play the guitar very badly. So badly you can’t even call it playing, really.

Used to play the violin and the piano, can no longer play EITHER of those instruments.

I play the keyboard/piano. But not very well.

I’ve played the trombone nearly 9 years. You’d think I’d be better at it by now…

Accordion - I first took lessons 42 years ago - I haven’t improved much since then.*

I just want to say that I have never felt so, um, accompanied, by so many people. Myself, I have tried learning to play the banjo for so many years, and I must admit that I, too, don’t play it very well. Thank you all for making my efforts seem not so futile after all.

I play flute, piano, and bass guitar. Ability to play in that order. I did play flute/piccolo professionally while I was in the US Marine Corps band (not the President’s Own, but one of the field bands.)

I play guitar, hammer dulcimer, and mountain dulcimer, and will occasionally toodle about with a flute or recorder, but when I just want to sit down and have some fun, I’m most likely to play autoharp (i.e., a “chorded zither”).

Didn’t we already do this?

Oh well. I am a professional orchestral violist.

For some reason, there were more violists coming forward in that thread than there are here. Anyway…

I’ve played the violin on & off for about 12 years. I recently bought a new one & started taking lessons again in the hopes of joining a community or semi-professional orchestra. I also play the piano & bass guitar, though not seriously since college, since I decided to concentrate on the violin.

Got any leads, Jpeg? :wink:

Jack of all trades master of none checking in. Play drums in a hardcore band, but my weapon of choice is the bass. I produce hip/hop, trip hop, and was in a project that was signed by Tricky. Of course the record deal feel through the floor, and I’m left to fantasize about what could have been.