Anyone in Ad or Marketing industry can help me define this?

Anyone in the ad or marketing industry can help me out?

When someone leaves the ad industry to go and do their own thing and make content such as movies, webtoons, webnovels, music etc.,

what are these people called? Independent content creators? What if they are getting sponsored to make the content? Are they still independent content creators or is it more accurate to call them freelancers? Content freelancers? Independent content freelancers?

I’m aware that paid advertising or the traditional form of advertising is based on “interruption” while content marketing is based on “permission”.

That would depend on what their new line of work is. David Fincher is a director.

Yes, and Wes Anderson. But is there no specific word for this? I don’t mean if they became a director or any job title but in general when one leaves to make it on their own, is the only phrase ‘independent content creator’ or ‘freelancer’?

‘Freelance content creator’ would work. It’s quite vague though as to what their actual skills are. Freelance leaves it quite open ended as to whether they’re just working alone or working to commission. Most would probably do both.

I work at an ad agency. One of my former teammates, who was a copywriter at the agency, is now a scriptwriter in Hollywood. “Freelance content creator” would work, or “freelance screenwriter,” but I’m not aware of any blanket term for such a person that is independent of what they are specifically doing (i.e., writing, directing, making web videos, etc.)

thank you guys. I appreciate it.