Anyone know some good (short) kids' ghost stories?

I’ll be attending Thanksgiving at my sister’s home, and will invariably be required by my nephews (age 8 & 6) to tell them and some of their friends scary ghost stories. It’s become a mini-tradition, they (usually about four of them) climb on the bunkbed with the lights off, and I have to come up with some scary stories to tell them.

My nephews being shrewd, jaded Upper East Sider kids are not scared too often. Occasionally, if I’m not up to the task, one of them will snarl “LAME!” at my story. Also, I’m running out of stories to tell them.

Thus far, I’ve told -

  1. the Hooked-arm Killer at Lover’s Lane story.

  2. the druggie babysitter story.

  3. the boogeyman-under-the-bed story.

  4. the boy who cried Wolf (updated to be the boy who said he saw a Chainsaw Killer.)

So I need help. Know any good scary stories that I can tell some kids?

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is timeless.

Here’s some camp ghost stories. The first one is kinda lame, though. Maybe you’ll find a good one in there!

Did you notice it was by a grade 6er? They are all by children, Dolores. ( Not sure what age that is though!) Some of them are really funny, although that probably wasn’t the intended effect! :smiley:

Check out Snopes horror pages. Lots of good old standbys there.