anyone like to abuse prescription medicine(painkillers)?

well i do. i occasionally enjoy a nice painkiller. but what i dont enjoy is the price of the pill and the fact that some try to make money over it. i know, what a dumb gripe, but isnt it silly? its sort of like selling pot. you buy from a guy that bought from a guy that bought from another guy and you each put an extra five to ten bucks on if its hydro and so on…marking up to make a buck. i enjoy recreational use of pot, but can easily let it go. painkillers however. i could see how an addiction could gain hold and run wild. although i’m too strong for that, some just aren’t. any thoughts.feelings.points?

heres a question, why do painkillers make you itch so damn bad? also, i realize there is a blockage of pain, but why pleasure as well? meaning, wny the delay in ability to orgasm? i mean its nice, but virtually impossible to get off…

Anyone else buying this?