I’ve always been a fan of Father Guido Sarducci (also a fan of Don Novello’s “Lazlo Letters”).
I was hoping to see him pop up during Pope Francis’ visit to the U.S. I did not take it upon myself to scour every major comedy outlet, I just figured that if he showed up on any of the late night talk shows or sketch shows that I’d have seen it shared via social media. The Pope’s visit came and went and I didn’t notice any Father Guido Sarducci.
Novello is definitely still alive. He appeared as Sarducci five years ago on The Colbert Report the same year as Stewart and Colbert’s rally in D.C. (at which he also appeared).
The most recent videos I could find online were a radio guest spot and an emcee gig at some low budget John Lennon tribute. Sadly, neither of those appearances were very impressive (I won’t even link to them) but I’d think that a Papal visit would be the kind of thing that would be right in his wheelhouse, a real opportunity to shine.
So, did he show up at all and I just missed it? Or did he sit this one out?
I just can’t imagine him not finding some opportunity to bring out the character during a Papal visit. The only explanation I could think of would be if he were in bad health. Does anyone know of any health issues?