Anyone recognize the subject of this stone bust?

A family member of a long-distance acquaintance of mine has a stone bust of a hairy old mystery man. She wonders who it is. Any ideas? (Please don’t ask me any questions about the artwork, as I know absolutely nothing about it except what it looks like, same as you.) Thanks all, in advance!

Looks a lot like Hippocrates with the nose and all those brow ridges. Still that headband(?) looks religious.

We had a bust at school somewhat like this one. It was (supposedly) of Euclid.

D’oh! Looks like Homer to me.

– Tammi Terrell

Not only that, it looks like it’s a copy of the same bust—same of the hair patterns look to be the same.

Damn! I was going to say Aristotle. Of course, this is all a very moot point…

For some odd reason, I was thinking Galen…

It’s the Farnese Homer, the original of which - in the sense of the surviving Roman copy of a lost Greek bust - is in the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples.

Link didn’t work for me.
Here’s another pic.
It looks like a match.

Nice bust.

I wish I knew more about classical art, but it’s all Greek to me.