Anyone requested their FBI file? What's in it?

I’ve considered doing a FOIA request to see what’s in my FBI file. There’s lots of info. on the Web about how to write the request letters (and lots of cheesy services willing to do it for you for $$$), but precious little about what’s been discovered by real, live people (i.e., not requests for MLK Jr’s file etc.).

So what’s likely to be in my file? Will the FBI even send it to me? If I was being investigated without my knowledge, why in the world WOULD they send it to me (I can just see the NY mafia dons requesting their files to learn about what goods the Feds have on them…)?

And if I don’t have an FBI file, does requesting it mean they’ll open one and start investigating me? :wink:

The entire contents of my FBI file were rather disappointing. A letter I wrote to then president GHW Bush, saying that I thought it was bad for an ex-CIA chief to be president (with a little boiler-plate memo attached saying I was a college student and not worth paying attention to). And the interview I gave when I was a character reference for Hubby’s intelligence clearance.

If you are John Q. Public and have never had a run in with the police or came to the attention of the government…not much.

You would still receive a version of your file, however, the FOIA excempts any ongoing investigations and the like. So your Mafia Don would see his past convictions and the like, probably with some heavy redacting to protect sources, and his general information.

I had a bit. I was considered a “radical” journalist when I was in college who hung out with “extreme left wing individuals and organizations.” And there was a write up about that along with a write up about some protest I covered.

I think all that means was that during the late '60s I did not belong to a fraternity.

I did rate a “bears watching” or maybe “watching bears” I’m not sure which.

It also had a list of some of the protests I covered at the time listing me as “possibly highly involved.” I wish the people involved at the time would have known that. I probably would have gotten better interviews and pics.

It even had a very bad photo copy of a story about me testifying in front of a state legislative committee on how bad an idea it would be to house troops on college campuses right after the killings at Kent State.

It had my evaluation of Peace Corps service and my honerable discharge from the army too, but that’s about all.


They still haven’t connected you with Dealey Plaza?

I requested my file from the Defense Security Service. It has my clearance applications, what interviewees had to say about me, and the findings of the investigators.

Being a good boy, it’s a pretty dull file.

You’re not supposed to know about that!!!