Just saw it for the first time on TV. Apparently it’s an adaption of a Frank Miller graphic novel about the Battle of Thermopylae, so I don’t know how historical it will be, but it looks wicked. Here’s its website for any interested. Being a history buff, I’m looking forward to it, don’t know squat about Miller though.
Miller wrote and drew the Sin City graphic novels and codirected that movie, so if you saw it, you’re familiar with his hard-boiled prose, love of violence, and unique visual style.
He also wrote memorable storylines for Batman and Daredevil for DC and Marvel Comics, respectively.
Despite the utter divergence from historical truth, I’m really looking forward to it. I feel (on the basis of the trailer) that the general badass spirit of Sparta is conveyed pretty well.
Also, half naked hotties, woohoo!
Can you shed some light on it’s historical inaccuracies?
- Half naked hotties. Hoplites wore cuirass, greaves, and a leather skirt.
- Hello, battle rhinos? Give me a break.
- Dunno about the rest, but this is based on a graphic novel, not Herodotus, so I imagine it’s going to be about a “3” on the historicity scale.
OMFG, yes!
The trailer also seemed to show some giants or ogres or something, which I think we can agree didn’t actually exist. Some of the dialogue is taken from historical texts though, like Xerxes saying the Persian arrows would darken the sky, and Leonidas saying the Spartans could then fight in the shade.
I think the giant/ogre was one of the malformed or disfigured Spartan castoffs that joined the Persian forces, but I’m not sure because I haven’t read the graphic novel.
Yeah, I’ve seen it, and I’ve showed it to some friends, and we all agree, even if the story sucks, it’s going to look damned cool on the screen. No doubt the success of Gladiator and Sin City are responsible for this being made. I bet that this film has got Ridley Scott a bit steamed since he wanted to have a rhino fight in Gladiator, but couldn’t.
Didn’t these people wear armor? Heh. I used to admire the Spartans a lot until I read more about them. Man, those guys were a bunch of crazy bastards. I especially loved the part wher Leonides (I think) talks about a new age of freedom. Heh heh, pay no attention to the Helots behind the curtain.
I’m probably going to see this just because I like the subject matter but I think Steven Pressfield’s Gates of Fire was richer and more accurate treatment of this battle and of the Spartans in general.
What the…? I didn’t see any half-naked hotties, just a bunch of dudes
That said, looks deeply cool.
You obviously have the wrong orientation then, 'cause I just see hotties.
PLEASE tell me they’ll include the hairdressing scene.
Actually, a lot of hoplites fought naked except for helmet and shield.
I’ve seen a trailer for *300 * a couple of times (both times that I saw Casino Royale, IIRC); it looks absolutely stunning.
There’s a lot of interest from graphic novel readers in how Zack Snyder, the director and screenwriter, handles 300: his next project is Watchmen. (Of course, he’s not the first to be attached to a film version of Watchmen; this movie’s had a lot of starts and stops.)
I too am looking forward to this film. I have no expectation of any historical accuracy, but I’ll be looking for all the good lines. Hopefully it’ll be resounding success and they’ll follow it up with the Battle of Salamis.
Do you have a cite? Not being snarky, just genuinely curious.
The Battle of Salamis? I guess that’s an appropriate name for a fight between a bunch of naked men.
I don’t think Frank Miller’s done a comic about that.