Anyone tried the free AT&T Internet Security Suite (powered by McAfee) UVerse is offering?

I got an email notification earlier this afternoon. Seems like a sweet freebie perk. Its for high speed U-Verse customers.

Anyone installed it yet? Any ads or other annoyances?

I already have a 3 license pack with McAffee. I may not renew next time and try the freebie.

The link if you didn’t get the email and you’re a high speed U-Verse customer. Before installing Log in with your U-verse user ID first to get a serial to register the security suite.

Its not a good deal for people on the lower speed plans. $60 a year is about what McAffee costs buying it from them.

I don’t recommend any McAfee products. If you’re on Windows, Microsoft Security Essentials is also free and a lot less of a pain and system hog.

I ditched McAfee for Norton way back in 1998, which should tell you how badly they suck.

If it’s similar to the McAfee offered by other cable companies, it isn’t really worth it. It may be a great product if you feel swishing some water around your mouth is just as good as brushing your teeth.

Another vote in the camp of “McAfee is basically a system hogging virus in its own right”.
Microsoft’s MSE is more than good enough for defense.

If you must have something more capable or configurable, I’d go with ESET or Kaspersky.

Stay far away from anything “Symantec” or “Norton”.

The first thing I do when repairing a messed up PC is get rid of McAfee. Then I do real virus scanning, etc., which can’t be done with McAfee trying to make running anything impossible.

I recently tested several free AV programs. Including the frequently top-rated Avira (which messed up a lot of my computer settings) and Bitdefender. Hated many of them. Malwarebytes might not be in the top echelon anymore, but it works the way an AV program should.

If things are really bad, I use the Kaspersky rescue disk.

Software so bad they can’t give it away.

huh, I’ve alternated between using Norton and Mcafee since antivirus software became a thing. It passes the live network test. No joke, I installed windows on a pc at work and walked down the hall to take a leak. The pc was infected by the time I got back a few minutes later. We have nearly 2500 pc’s on our network. Network scans are done periodically through out the day and infected pc’s blacklisted (losing their network privilege until the pc is fixed). But its wise to install windows and virus protection with the network cable unplugged. Plug it in afterward to get the window updates. I neglected to do that and that infected pc with a fresh window install got blacklisted later that day. I formatted the drive, reinstalled windows and started fresh.

Yeah, Mcafee and Norton do offer some protection. Their web adviser on google searches warns of bad sites. Saved me grief several times.

They aren’t the greatest but they do the job.

I bought a Lenova desktop.
It came with a McAfee Security product - for 30 days.

The 30 days expired weeks ago.

I still get pop-ups reminding me that I REALLY need to check for new updates to the McAfee product.

I will never again even consider a McAfee product.