Anyone up for a chicago Dopefest wienie roast?

What? :slight_smile: I just wanted to say that I’m reading the thread and may attend, depending. I hope MeanOldLady comes since she just moved to the area, that would be cool.

I just find it amusing on several levels. Don’t feel like explaining it at the moment. Anyhow, I tend to work on weekends, so there’s a good chance I won’t be able to attend, anyway, but it would be fun to have a good mix of people there.

Before this falls off the page, bump

I probably can’t make it, but there are many fine ChiDopers and Distance Dopers who should. I’ll have a kraut dog in your honor. And if you feed him and spike him a beer, maybe Little Ed will show up.

Date and time depending, I’m in.

I knew it. You’re waiting on my response.

Edit: That was actually a joke, and then I saw Randy’s second response to the thread. Ha! So my answer is maybe.

Provisionally in, irritatingly clunky work schedule permitting.

I’m interested, but (of course) depends on date…

If we do this and I’m available, I’d be happy to bring along some homemade sausages (but they wouldn’t be hot dogs), as well as bottle of Malort for those curious.

Awesome! I’ll bring a bottle of Elijah Craig–that oughta tilt the scales a bit.

So, zoid: date/time/place/what should we bring/what should we wear?

Bring her, too!

Easy there :slight_smile:

I didn’t think we were talking about such a short turnaround time.

However given the way this seems to be going, first things first…

The 26th is a Tuesday.
I’m assuming that’s gonna mess up alot of people, so…

Who CAN make it on Tuesday the 26th?
zoid - can do
dropzone - ?
banjoDavid - ?
thirdwarning - ?
Finally - ?
pulykamell - ?
SeaDragonTattoo - ?
I_Know_Nothing - ?
Rand Rover - ?
Man With a Cat - ?
MeanOldLady - ?
typoink - ?
C K Dexter Haven - ?
needscoffee - ?


Bear_Nenno if we can’t make it work that day I hope you’ll be able to meet me for lunch on the 26th. I’m looking foreward to it.

Oh, by the way - right now I’m thinking about a daylight affair. I was thinking that depending upon the location I’ll set up about 10:00 AM, get the grills going about 11:00, we’d eat and drink till, well God knows when. Show up whenever you like but I’ll have to split no later than say 9:00 or 10:00 that evening.

I’m open to suggestions if that doesn’t work.

Tuesday the 26th actually works great for me.

I don’t have any plans to be in Chicago anytime soon.

Tues 26th works for me.
I will contact Ed Zotti and see if he’d like to join us.

I’m also putting a link in the Chicago-forum…

The 26th works for me. Do you have a location in mind? Close to an El stop would be nice. I’d plan on dropping by after work for a little bit.

Tuesday the 26th just happens to be…MY BIRTHDAY. I was trying to think of a reason to take the day off. I just may have one. :slight_smile:

Elijah Craig? That certainly does tip the scales, but…

Tuesday is kind of not ideal. I mean I can go by after work, which runs until roughly 5. Depending on where it is, I can see myself being there between 5:15 and 6:00pm. If people are doing stuff at 11:00am, then no can do, boss.

I’m interested but…
Really? A weekday afternoon?
If it runs into the evening I could perhaps make it. Where are we talking about, anyway?

I really enjoy Malort, too. I’ve found it at a surprising number of bars. Just last week, I had a shot at a very northside bar (north of Touhy).

Tuesday(26) is great for me.