Anyone used a Telikin "senior" computer?

I’m researching super-simple computers for my 90 year old dad and 55 year old learning disabled sister. My dad (retired professor) has been using a PC for about 10 years for very basic stuff, email & web surfing, no presentations or statistical analysis. He’s been getting frustrated with his computer lately; like many older folks, his short term memory is patchy and he gets confused when dialog boxes pop up or when something looks unfamiliar, so he’s not using it much anymore. This is probably contributing to his feelings of isolation and boredom.

Sis has never had a computer. She is fairly highly functioning (IQ mid-80’s, emotional age around 13) but not at all tech savvy - the requisite tech support alone would drive me insane. She hasn’t shown much interest in computers until recently; she likes playing games and using FaceTime/Skype on my iPad.

I saw something called the “WOW Senior Computer” in a catalog recently. Did some skeptical web research and found that it is essentially the same thing as the “Telikin” computer, just with a higher price tag. It’s got a big touchscreen monitor and has all the essential programs and apps (email, pics, skype, briwser) preinstalled, Linux OS so virus issues much minimized. The setup is literally plug and play with no syncing or other setup programming necessary.

I’m thinking that this would be a good computer for them both. Originally, I was leaning towards getting them iPads because I love mine, but the Telikin looks like it may be easier for people with various physical or mental limitations. Just the syncing thing with the iPad is a detractor for sis (no existing computer), and the screen and keyboard are too small for dad. I would have to deal with setup, tech support and billing for both of them, so simplicity is key.

Anyone used or seen these things in action? Amazon has a few reviews, all pretty much positive. I’m hoping to hear from anyone who has used or purchased one, I seem to have run out of web-based info. Thanks in advance…

I have owned and used a Telikin for more than a year. If you wish to e-mail me directly, I will be happy to comment and answer your questions: David Hunter.

There’s no need to Sync the iPad, once it’s set up (it may not even be necessary to sync it at setup anymore).

Channel 6 (ABC) in Philadelphia broadcast a piece about the Telikin during its 5:30pm news program last night (Tuesday, January 24). Here’s a link. I’ve had a Telikin since October 2010. My mother has one and so does my mother-in-law. We all use them daily. I’d be happy to share my knowledge and experience with others who are thinking about purchasing one of these extraordinary computers for their parents, or for themselves.