Anyone want to keep me around for another year?

I’m asking if someone will pay my subscription fee because I do not have a credit card. I know someone with a credit card that will pay for me but then I will end up paying 5 or 10 dollars more than the SDMB membership costs as their “fee”.
A while back somebody offered to pay for me but then my subscription was far from over and since this was a while ago that person may or may not still want to pay. If you pay I can send you cash or a money order in the mail if you want.
The other thing I have to mention is that for a while anyway my board particpation is expected to go down because of an upcoming move into my Dad’s house he has no online service but there are librarys and I still have AOL at my Mom’s house. You should know that because you may not want to pay for me if I’m only able to post every other week or less. Anyway think about it and if you want to help me then respond to this thread and then e-mail me. I f I don’t get back to you right away please be patient because I may have moved by the time someone decides to e-mail me.
If nobody wants to sponsor me then I will pay the extra 5 dollars to my cousin so he can pay for me but either way thanks.

I don’t know how to do it, but if the Admins will explain, I might.

The easy way would be for START to email Bosda his password. Then Bosda logs on as START, uses credit card or Paypal to renew, then emails START to change his password. I have used this method before, and it works flawlessly (so far!) :smiley:

Is this method admin approved?

I think the admins were the ones to suggest it in the first place.

I believe you can also go to the screen where you would buy a subscription for yourself, and replace the userid# in the URL with START’s # and reload the screen. That way you don’t need a password.

If an Admin will post here, & approve the e-mail approach, we can begin.
START can then e-mail me his info.

START, if you don’t end up connecting with Bosda, email me. I’m the one who offered to front your subscription in that other thread.

Bosda, thanks for picking it up. I’d like to see **START **stick around, and it doesn’t matter to me which of us does it.

The admins have said this is the right way to do it, if not 100% safe.

OK, START --my e-mail addy is listed in my profile.