I love it! Just the idea of using Al Borland, well, Richard Karn to teach history is hilarious. I love the use of humor to teach.
It works very well.
I love it! Just the idea of using Al Borland, well, Richard Karn to teach history is hilarious. I love the use of humor to teach.
It works very well.
If it’s the show I am thinking of (and it should be… he couldn’t have been in that many History Channel specials), I’ve seen it and it’s okay. A little too streamlined for pop culture consumption to me though.
I much preferred Conquest, which never seems to come on anymore and was most likely cancelled (bastards). Now that was entertainment.
History Channel International always had the most interesting-sounding programs, but I was always deathly bored watching them.
I think the History Channel actually managed to FOX Conquest, which is a shame. I hafta agree, watching a bald, overenthusiastic British man scare the crap outta some vaguely cow-like volunteers…well, that’s good TV.
Not that it matters, since we don’t have cable for the time being.
I either want it to be more irreverent or more straight history. The occasional “jokes” don’t do it for me.
but I do enjoy the show when it covers footsoldiers from time periods I enjoy learning about. I.E. Romans are vastly more interesting than Napoleon’s soldiers to me.