Anyone watching American Chopper on DC?

I have probably seen every episode of this show about 5 times each because they play it so much. But even though I have seen it so many times I still can’t get over how amazing Paul Jr. is when it comes to the fabrication of those bikes. It’s very hard to believe that he has only been doing it for 3 years. That Black Widow bike was nuts. The relationship him and his father seems backwards. Jr is the level headed guy doing all the work and Sr. is the pouty, whiny guy doing all the complaining. Its hard to believe the 2 are related because they act so differently.

I enjoy the show, but hate Paul Sr. How inflexible can you get? He’s never happy with anything and he’s constantly bitching at his crew. In an ep last week, he actually crying using the old “I worked my ass off all my life to make this business what it is” crap.

Grow the hell up.

Granted, the crew did deserve a tongue lashing for not strapping the bike to the lift.

Whats the deal with the Cody Bike? The one that fell? Is Cody one of the workers? I didn’t understand really.

I am not a big fan of it. The bikes look nice, but it seems they are basically doing nothing more bolting the things together…

I think the shows with West Coast Choppers are better, both from a fabrication standpoint, and as far as actual entertainment value.