Anyone watching the Tolkien Star Trek rugby sitcom?

But entirely logical.

Title: “Middle Earthlings in Starfleet: The Cosmic Scrum”

“Middle Earthlings in Starfleet: The Cosmic Scrum” is a hilarious crossover sitcom that blends the fantastical world of J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth with the futuristic universe of Star Trek, all set against the backdrop of a rugby team on a starship.

The USS Enterprise, under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, encounters a mysterious spatial anomaly that transports them to a realm where Middle-earth and the Star Trek universe coexist. The crew finds themselves in a parallel dimension where the characters from Tolkien’s works are also space-faring entities.

Upon arrival, the crew discovers that the characters of Middle-earth have formed their own version of Starfleet, combining their magical abilities with advanced technology. However, they have a problem – they’re terrible at playing the sport of rugby, a favorite pastime on both Earth and their own world.

Captain Picard proposes a friendly interdimensional rugby tournament between the Starfleet crew and the Middle-earth characters to build camaraderie and bridge the cultural gap. The mismatched teams must learn to work together despite their vastly different backgrounds, powers, and abilities. Hilarity ensues as the characters clash and collaborate, both on the field and off.

Key Characters:

  • Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Leading the Starfleet crew with diplomacy and reason, he tries to bring both teams together for the sake of teamwork.
  • Aragorn: The charismatic captain of the Middle-earth rugby team, trying to balance his kingly duties with coaching.
  • Data: The android crew member curious about the magic and mythology of Middle-earth.
  • Legolas and Worf: A competitive duo who find common ground in their warrior spirits during the rugby matches.
  • Q: Popping in occasionally to add chaos and humor to the mix.


  1. “First Contact, First Tackle”: The two teams meet, and misunderstandings abound as they attempt to explain their worlds to each other.
  2. “The Fellowship of the Scrum”: Training for the rugby match leads to unlikely pairings and unconventional strategies.
  3. “The Two Captains”: Aragorn and Picard clash over leadership styles, while learning valuable lessons from each other.
  4. “The Trouble with Tribbles and Hobbits”: Q introduces Tribbles to Middle-earth, leading to a hilarious furball-filled adventure.
  5. “Darmok and Balrog at Tanagra”: The crew faces a linguistic challenge when trying to communicate with the Balrog.
  6. “Rugby & Ringwraiths”: The teams must face off against Ringwraiths during a night game under the moonlight.

“Middle Earthlings in Starfleet: The Cosmic Scrum” is a lighthearted sitcom that celebrates the power of teamwork, friendship, and embracing differences while delivering laughs and heartwarming moments in both the Middle-earth and Star Trek universes.

Thank you ChatGPT. :wink:

Ironic that this is being removed only two weeks before the Rugby World Cup kicks off.

Spoiler for s1ep10:

Half the fun of the rugby games is trying to spot all the different Star Trek actors in the stands, and all the alien and Middle Earth races represented. Well…

…the fan who’s been hidden behind the Gandalf 3:16 sign at every match finally lowers it, and it’s William Shatner. He yells “Gentlemen, you’ve earned a second season!”

Since he and director Peter Jackson are bankrolling the series, this carries a lot of weight.