Apollo 11: 45 years hence

Today was the 45th anniversary of Neil and Buzz walking on the moon.

One of the greatest, if not the greatest, of all human achievements.

I was not quite 7 at the time and wish I could have appreciated the moon landing better. In retrospect I am in absolute awe at the whole Apollo program.

Testify,** Leaffan**, testify!

I was 9, heavily into Apollo, had all kinds of malarkey memorized, all manner of space stuff (read; merch). Just amazing–Kennedy speech to moonwalk, just 8 (?) years. Gott in Himmel!

Twelve years old at the time and I believed we could do anything!

I completely forgot about the day. I was a little young to have followed Mercury, but I kept up with Gemini. I followed our unmanned landings and looked forward to the day we would send men to the moon. I was saddened when Grissom, White, and Chaffee were killed in the fire on the launch pad. I was glad when Apollo 8 orbited the moon. I watched the coverage of Apollo 11 and saw Armstrong descend the ladder of the LM, step on the moon and utter his immortal words. I prayed for the astronauts of Apollo 13 and was glad they came home safely. I followed all of the lunar landings up to Apollo 17, the final one and was sad that there were to be no more. It seemed as if we could do anything. I would like to see us go back to the moon and hope we land on Mars in my lifetime.

Didnt some orbiting moon probe take pictures of the site?

I wonder if the moon ever becomes colonized if they will somehow preserve it or the other moon landing sites?

Since their is no wind or moisture on the moon I wonder if it will be preserved in perfect order or will the sun somehow burn it down?

I was just shy of my second birthday on July 20, 1969, so obviously I have no memory of the event. When I asked my father if I’d seemed interested in what was happening on TV that day, he said, “Oh, not at all.” Heh, oh well. :slight_smile:

Undoubtedly the greatest achievement of mankind so far. I mean shit, WE WALKED ON A FLOATING ROCK IN OUTER SPACE. How many ancient civilizations even came close to that?

I had just turned 14 as Neil and Buzz descended the ladder onto the lunar surface. It was in the middle of the night as I watched on an old black and white TV while tucked into my bed.

Nothing before or since has compared.

I was 14. They used to bring my whole grade school down to the auditorium to watch the Mercury launches on television. We stayed there all through Shepard’s and Grissom’s flights.

I was about nine years old. That day, two friends and I were riding our bikes in the park. One of them had a watch, and said, “We should go home and watch the moon landing.” The other said, “No, let’s keep riding our bikes. They send stuff up into space all the time.”

The first one replied, with wisdom beyond his years, “We’ll only have one chance to see the moon landing live for the first time.”

We all went home, and watched on TV. Live, for the first time.

I was five and in kindergarten. My primary school didn’t have a television, so we children were all farmed out in batches to those families who did have televisions. It was great: we got an afternoon out of school. And the family I went too had a trampoline. That was far more enticing than the moon thing and I recall that we spent most of the time playing on it. We were actually summoned inside to watch the critical bit, but once it was over we zoomed straight back out to the trampoline.

I remember clearly when the astronauts landed. I was laid up in bed in a lot of pain because my appendix was about to burst. Said appendix burst when the announcement on the TV came that the astronauts landed safely. Fun brush with fame: the astronaut on that trip who did not get to land on the moon had a niece in the US Army at the time; the niece was a nurse. She worked in the ward where I spent six weeks recuperating from the two (yes, two) operations to remove the burst appendix. The niece, at the time a Lieutenant Collins, got me interested in SciFi, specifically Star Trek.

I have absolutely no memory of the moon landing. I remember many of the Apollo launches, and some we even watched in the classroom. I remember the Apollo 11 landing, but not actually watching it in real time. I was probably fishing.

You made that up! :wink: Good stories like that (except the appendix part) don’t happen to us humans IRL. Take it back! Take it back! <burns with envy> :smiley:

I was 9 when it happened and I remember watching it on one of the few TVs in the neighborhood with a bunch of other people. It was quite a community event, even if a lot of the folks watching it didn’t speak English too well.

I think there have been several pictures taken of the site via different orbital probes and such.

I doubt we will ever colonize the moon to any great extent, but it’s possible there may someday be a research base facility of some kind on it. A more outside possibility is perhaps mining the moon for something like H3.

As for the foot prints and other artifacts, like you said they will be there basically forever (baring being hit by meteors or whatever). If no one touches them in 3-4 billion years then, yeah, they will share the same fate as the Earth (I think that eventually the Moon would otherwise leave it’s orbit of the Earth and fly off either to hit another planet, be captured somewhere else or into interstellar space). If it did so before the Sun goes into it’s red giant phase (which from memory it won’t) and if the later happens it would be cool to think that something of us might be preserved for a long, long time into the future, perhaps to be found by some space faring alien race billions of years from now :)).

Every word of it true. And even in my pre-teen days, I could still tell that nurse was hot! She really was a good nurse and she did more to save my life than that lousy doctor did. Yeah, I’m still a SciFi fan and Trekker.

On 19 July 1969 I had my 8th birthday. This was the best extended celebration I could have ever wanted.

And Monty, that was oustanding. Once in a while I get a chance to walk around the grounds of the former WW2-era Army Command HQ for San Juan, where Mike Collins’ father was posted while the future astronaut was a child/teen. Indirect connections pop up like that.

I was 13 1/2. A lot of the family went over to my great aunt and uncle’s house to watch. They had a color TV.

Dad had gotten us up to watch Mercury and Gemini launches. I don’t remember if we watched every one or not. The launches happened so early in the morning that, in California, it was still dark outside. That was the most mind-boggling thing about the first one, learning that it could be morning and dark at the same time.

On the flip (-pant) side, remember the first episode of “Futurama”? They made a delivery to the Moon, Fry and Leela get trapped outside the dome, they’re running to escape the sunrise that will fry (sorry about the pun) them and take shelter in the COMPLETE Apollo 11 lunar module. Wait a minute, I yell at the TV, the “living quarters” part would still be up in orbit; how could they make such a boner? Next scene, they’re inside the LM and a sign on the wall says LM restored by the Historical Nitpickers Society. I fell over laughing; they had me hooked. :slight_smile:

I saw a movie once where someone was trying to sell, or auction off, the Apollo 11 lunar module. They had it in the back of a pickup or something.

I thought “You fucking boneheads!”

I was fourteen, just a few days shy of my fifteenth birthday. A bunch of the neighborhood kids were at my house to watch it live. We sat there riveted for two hours. So damn cool!