heh. maybe weird things just intrigue me.
i’ve encountered all sorts of sexual fetishes, and until i ran across this one, not one has really creeped me.
I wanna know why the AP thought it necessary to throw “sex change doctor” into the headline, when it had nothing to do with the story and he hadn’t even performed that surgery for 22 years!
I guess even the Associated Press isn’t adverse to a bit of unlovely sensationalism. Wasn’t it bizarre enough plain, without making it fancy?
I think its any Americans right if they don’t want a limb anymore! I f I don’t want my leg, then dammit, I’ll pay someone to get rid of it for me! And if this just so happens to get Mr. Willy excited, then more power to it! What’s next? People won’t be allowed to modify their bodies by trying to add a limb or two? I mean, who doesn’t want an extra hoof? FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS PEOPLE!
Damn government hypocrites…
“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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Friday October 8 7:05 AM ET
Man Cuts Off Arm, Refuses Reattachment
MILWAUKEE, Wis. (Reuters) - A man who severed his left arm at the elbow with a guillotine he constructed from plans found on the Internet has refused to have the limb reattached, police said on Thursday.
``Doctors were going to reattach the arm but he refused and told them if they did, he would cut it off again and sue them,’’ Milwaukee Police spokeswoman Karen Pride Garvin said.
Thomas Rollo, 53, appeared calm when police arrived on Tuesday as he received treatment from paramedics.
He initially told officers he accidentally severed his left arm with tools while working in his garage. But police found the guillotine along with Rollo’s severed left arm in a plastic bag in a refrigerator, and he admitted to building the homemade amputation device from plans he found on the Internet.
Police said Rollo is undergoing psychological testing.