Apparently female pubes are making a comeback

Cameron Diaz, Gwyneth Paltrow, and American Apparel mannequins all now rock a bush.

PR stunt blah blah aside, it’s not especially surprising. If you want to be “shocking” you go against the norm. When the public perception of the norm is shaven, there’s really only one direction to go.

So what is the message here? American Apparel has no fucking clue how to make clothes that still look good if you don’t shave? Because these are awful.

My wife once shaved downstairs, not only was it a turn off it HURT growing back in. Sex went from rub up anywhere til it gets serious to “precision insertion in field of porcupine spines” once it was growing back.

I got my revenge by shaving MY pubes off, that turned her right off and lead to a pube shaving ceasefire :smiley:

… as long as the ‘natural beauty’ isn’t fat.

a development lamented by the North American Beaver, who were finally beginning to reclaim some dignity.

If underwear can’t contain it, it’s not bush, it’s jungle.

Yes, and…?

Shaving the jibblies requires a certain degree of commitment and dedication. I understand waxing is longer lasting and maybe less sandpapery on the rebound. Me, I lack the necessary enthusiasm for the task (besides which, just like on my face, if I don’t have a decent few days’ stubble, I tend to nick myself something awful), so I just keep things trimmed to avoid the dreaded 70s bush. My greatest problem is deciding where to stop trimming. :stuck_out_tongue: I’d ask no more of any partner (though I do like things smooth, all things being equal!).

(Tangentially, I’ve never noticed the sandpaper/porcupine effect when I shave the balls. Maybe because the pubes are just finer there in general, I dunno. Just as well, as using a trimmer on the nads is… um… nerve-wracking at best.)

Yay!! I’ve missed them.

About time. I know it’s ultimately just a matter of taste but it was starting to seem that, like underarm hair and leg hair, it was on a virtually-permanent ban list.

I like girl hairs (grew up in the 60s); and I also distrust any fashion trend that devalues natural appearance so strongly.

I’m a teen of the 90s and I prefer full bush too! I applaud this development.

Maybe you need to use nads.

I still snicker like a school boy when I see a mannequin (shouldn’t that be Womannequin?) with protruding nipples. I’m afraid I would ROFL if I encountered one of those.

I knew if I kept them they’d come back in style.

they make a comeback every couple of days.


Of course pubes are back. It’s winter.

Smack the Pony’s take on pubes. (Now, there’s a sentence that hasn’t been said in the English language before!)

Eeeee, no! I tried using Nair on my face once and it burned a little. I hate to think what it might be like on the privates.