
When I read the OP I immediately thought of Danny Trejo who manages to look charmingly badass with his facial scars. Wonder if he’d ever gotten his parts without them.

“Oh, damn. Poor bastard. Bet that sucked in High School.”

Acne isn’t anything to do with hygiene - and lots of people my age or older didn’t have access to the amazing wonderdrugs that are out now to help clear acne up, or to minimize the appearance of the resulting scarring.

Like Eve, I’ll sometimes have a flash of gratitude for my own good skin.

OP has got a really weird association with acne if they think that hygiene is the first thought people would have.

I do have a moment to wonder whether this community is a badly biased sample for this question, because we’re all educated and intelligent here, and we’ve got a pretty high percentage of medical knowledge floating around. Perhaps the masses would be more judgmental?

Other–I’d just think they probably had a rotten time of it in high school.

