
What do you think when you see someone with acne scars? Poll to follow.

First I wonder why they have them at all since it is so uncommon now. In the fifties and sixties there were a lot more people with damaged skin.

My second thought is usually something to the effect of wondering how their scars have affected them socially/emotionally.

Other. I don’t consider their previous hygiene at all unless they are demonstrating some serious lack of it currently.

Other. I think a large part of it is the luck–good or bad–of the gene pool draw.

Yep - unless they had other markers of poor hygiene I wouldn’t think about it at all.

In my head I would be suggesting a chemical peel, which can help a great deal with the appearance of that type of scaring.

I don’t think I’d even know that they were acne scars. I don’t typically pay that much attention to appearance, although if I see someone with a severe facial deformity, I usually think about how sad it is that people with facial deformities are sometimes treated badly.

Does hygiene have anything to do with acne in the first place ? I was always under the impression it wasn’t. I wouldn’t think anything regardless.

If I notice acne scars (and they have to be pretty widespread for me to see them), it doesn’t inspire any thoughts about hygiene one way or another. It just becomes part of my mental picture of that person.

Other. Wtf does hygiene have to do with acne scars?

I just figure the poor bastard must have had horrible acne and been quite miserable.

I’d think they should buy their scars somewhere else. W. E. Coyote gets all his stuff from their catalogue and it always fails in the most horrible ways you could image.

Oh wait . . . you said acne scars? Never mind.

“That guy has acne scars.”

I was good friends with a trumpet player in high school who looked even worse than Edward James Olmos (this would be in the early 2000s). I know it wasn’t because of a lack of hygiene. He always smelled fine, his hair looked good, and his clothes were clean and presentable. It was just bad luck. His younger brothers didn’t develop the same problem, but puberty hit him like a sack of potatoes.

At the time, I was too shallow and immature to consider dating someone with that much facial acne and acne scars (he had a lot of both; to date he had the worst case of acne I’ve ever seen in person), but I never thought it was because of a lack of hygiene. I was slightly repulsed by his appearance, though (even though we were buds and he was REALLY a great guy). I was also fairly scared of the thought of being seen with such an unattractive boyfriend (oh, teenagehood).

Nowadays, though, I’d consider dating him or any guy with acne scars if they were nice and interesting. Hygiene really isn’t a factor, because I figure anyone with that problem probably washes their face even more obsessively than I do. Reminds me of a guy I worked with at Blockbuster who had really bad psoriasis on his arms. I know he was as clean as a whistle (always came to work smelling like he just got out of the shower), but it didn’t stop him from shedding.

As someone who’s struggled with acne myself, I’d feel a lot of empathy.

My son had problems with acne. The doctor started out with a prescription cream and worked his way up through increasingly stronger medications. We went to another doctor who prescribed Accutane, which did the trick. It was a hellish time, so when I see someone with scars I just think of the pain and misery the person went through. Kids are cruel.

Good hygiene is no guarantee against acne and other skin infections.

Acne scars mean that the person had acne. Glasses mean the person has vision issues, etc. I don’t see much of a concern. Seal did all right…

As others have said, unless the individual was currently showing some sign of really bad hygiene, I would be unlikely to even think of hygiene.

The issue of hygiene would not even come up in my mind. If I thought anything at all-and that is a big IF- I might think “wow, that must have been tough to deal with at the time.”

Yep. Hygiene would not even enter my mind.