Apple tech/memory question

I know iOS is supposed to offload apps that I haven’t used for a while. But in the past couple of days, my iPad offloaded a couple of apps that I used just the day previous. Is this because I’m running out of (free) iCloud storage space? iPad storage space? Or is something else going on?

It doesn’t have anything to do with your iCloud storage space. It’s due to a combination of what physical storage space is left on the device and how often you’ve used the app. I don’t think Apple has ever specifically said “after X days” or “at X megabytes left” it will offload an app. If you used the apps in the day previous, then it sounds like the algorithm is fucking up or you are really low on device space. IMHO, I would just turn off automatic offloading.

… and uninstall any apps you don’t actually need or use.