Appropriate things to say immediately before indulging in a bout of maniacal laughter

Appropriate things to say immediately before indulging in a bout of maniacal laughter

I’ll get things started with a classic:

The fools! I’ll destroy them! I’ll destroy them all!!!

“I KNEW that’s what YOU’D say!”

You’re going to wear THAT??

…like I’m one to laugh…

That’s EXACTLY what I WANT them to think!

They laughed when I sat down at the computer keyboard!!!

And they thought my positron discombobulator wouldn’t work!

“Today the city! Tommorrow! The WORLD!”

Censure ME at the Congress of Scientists, will they?!

I absolutely refuse to quote badly translated Japanese video games, so I shall remain silent on the issue. :smiley:

— G. Raven


I’m gonna take the deed to your ranch!

[sub]The above may be somewhat obscure to the Chronologically challenged.[/sub]

“And they said I was ** MAD!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA **”

:: spins propeller on beanie ::

Trust me.

“The death star is fully operational.” Actually, that is what I tell the police when they ask me if my driver’s license is valid!

You can’t fool me… the gun’s not loaded…


It was all a part of my plan! Muwahahahahaha!

Unless you submit to the fate-worse-than-death…!
“Let me introduce you to your new best friend…”

“I’m sure we’ll get along just famously…”

For two people who are about to become human candles, you have a lot of questions! The lost treasure of the ancient incas is real Batman, very real, but unfortunately, you wont be around to see it!

“You can get dressed now.”

For you the war is over…