Got any good ones? Or SFW ones? Ones you’ve done, or been done unto; new ideas and old.
Two I’ve heard this year so far that I quite like are:
-Glue magnets onto the bottom of your coffee cup, and then stick said magnet on the top of your car. Drive around said car all day. (I think I will do this one!)
-Rearrange the letters on someone’s keyboard; pop a few off, move them around, and see how long it takes someone to figure it out. Especially fun for hunt-and-peck typists, I imagine (I think JUST switching the G and H keys would be fun; even the experience keyboardist will at some point during the day look down to set their fingers correctly; I am thinking the brain might just switch them around to what is normally seen, and it might take days for someone to figure that out)
So, what kind of fun have you had with this goofy day, and do you have any plans this year?
Saran Wrapping a car is funny. I’ve done that a few times in the past and got some laughs out of it. It’s not malicioius either, as the wrap will cling to itself but nothing on the car.
I had a friend who worked night shift at a hospital and I wrapped his car right after he got there. Security guards and his coworkers all stopped and asked me what I was doing, then laughed and walked away.
omg, haven’t done that one in about 10 years. I am thinking I will do that with the general use computer on Thursday; woe to the one who leaves the area still logged in!!
I still get a kick out of leaving phone messages for people to call back Mike Foxx or John Wolfe (or Mr. Foxx or Mr. Wolfe) and leave the phone number for the local zoo.
And more fun than that is to update their auto-correct in email or MS-Word to correcting a simple word into something completely different. i.e. when 'the ’ is typed out, it will autochange to ‘I hate my job’.
One of my favorites is to get the anoy-a-tron from It randomly emits an almost undetectable buzz. Some other favorites of mine that are relatively harmless is to glue pen caps shut; make several photocopies of a paperclip and put that paper back in the photocopier. Last night some friends of mine changed the language of my iPhone and it about drove me nuts trying figure out how to set it back since I don’t know Portuguese.
I just tried this, with no luck.
This is probably a good thing, because I was wondering whether I’d have to post again if the ctrl+alt+up arrow didn’t fix it.
-Paint my buddy’s truck pink while he was away on vacation (with water soluble paint, and we promised to come clean it off later).
-Series of interconnected fountains at college were turned off each night and on in the morning. I dropped by one night and poured an entire bottle of dish detergent in. When they turned it on the next morning, one by one the fountains began producing mounds of suds (it was several feet deep).
-With a screwdriver I unfastened a drawer pull on my boss’s desk, threaded it through the handle on his coffee mug and then fastened it back into place. He was getting ready to walk over to the coffee bar with the entire drawer before he found a screwdriver.
-Same boss, wired his coffee mug to furniture with an electronic laptop lock (spring-loaded cable combination lock with a loud electronic shrieking alarm).
-Same boss (he obviously has a good sense of humor), years ago at a previous job we had to “earthquake safe” everything heavy - these adhesive straps and buckles that you’d use to lock PCs, monitors and other bulky items in place to guard against them shifting in case of a quake. We took a box of spares and made everything in his office immobile - mouse to the table, chair to the floor, etc.
Only works with some graphics chips, unfortunately :mad: :p.
There are candy eggs that look just like real eggs - a hard white shell around a thin inner layer of chocolate. If you can find these, they’re great when you’re having lunch with co-workers. Pull it out, tap it on the table to show it’s not been shelled, then bite on into them.
Or there’s my all-time favorite: chocolate-covered cotton balls. Best if offered on a plate with a few chocolate-covered marshmallows as well.
A few years ago I got a purple topped tube of blood from a nurse friend. Dribbled the liquid into the toilet and on the seat. I promised my gf I would tone things down after that.
Take a small scrap of grey fur, or anything that might momentarily look like a mouse. Attach about eight inches of fine, invisible fishing line to one end. Attach the other end to anything in the KITCHEN or BATHROOM that a female member of the household is likely to pick up or move. A kettle or coffepot is good, so is a toothbrush. Carefully hide grey fur/fake mouse so it is out of sight. Female person picks up coffeepot, shrieks to see a mouse scurry across the top of the table… .
Put a camcorder high up in one corner of your bathroom or toilet area. Record about five minutes of dull footage of the empty room, with the toilet itself clearly in view. Take this into a simple video editing package. Degrade the image a little, so it looks like video from a cheap home security camera setup, and overlay some graphics that say things like ‘Home SecureCam v1.1’ in Courier font. Burn this to a DVD you can play on your TV whenever you want.
Invite friends round. Wait until one goes to the bathroom (preferably for a sit down appointment). While this person is away, put the DVD in your TV, press Play, and cue everyone else to burst out laughing when the person returns. They take one look at the TV, and ‘figure out’ that everyone was watching them while they were in the smallest room.
Take a small piece of raw chicken. Put it somewhere in the room or the office of someone you don’t like. Hide it well. After 3 days the smell is noticeable and disagreeable. After 10 days it is more than a human nose can tolerate.
Know someone who uses tea bags? It’s really easy to carefully open a teabag, mix other leafy or powdery ingredients in with the tea, and re-seal it. Put this back in with the other tea bags and wait for the fun. A small amount of curry powder works well, and so does dark chilli powder.
It’s funny how it only takes a second to tip some maggots into a cow-orker’s desk drawer, but it takes sooooo much longer to get them all out.
Do you have a friend or cow-orker who is currently working their way through a long novel? If the opportunity presents itself, pick up the novel and flick through the final chapter to get the gist of some important characters and the main events. Go back to a blank page about two thirds of the way through (there is usually a blank page before each new chapter) and write something that looks like it could be a real spoiler e.g. ‘Johnson turns out to be the killer, and it was his mother who secretly sent the money that Smith found’. It’s up to you whether you make this a genuine spoiler, or just something that sounds plausible.
I about drove my nephew out of his mind with the version (Eviltron) which emits various strange sounds (creaks, girl giggling, mouse running across the floor) after I hid it in his bedroom.