Ara: History Untold - 4x Grand Strategy hybrid from the makers of Civ 5

Has anyone heard of this upcoming game?

It seems to basically be a cross between Civ and a Grand Strategy game. Many of the developers appear to have worked on Civ 5 previously.

It seems incredibly ambitious. The scale is stunning. The footage available so far on their Dev Diaries looks incredible, but I don’t know how well that will translate into actually fun gameplay…

I’ll be watching this game’s development with great interest.

That looks incredible, I wanna play it already.

Seems like an updated version of Rise of Nations? That might be good. Probably check it out once it hits GamePass like the trailer says.

Looks like some more gameplay footage in the background of these interviews

The world looks really impressive. The prestige approach sounds like a much better system that the Civ victory conditions. And simultaneous play is a welcome improvement.

It would be nice if they could innovate on the competitive aspect: either improved AI or multi-player.

Added it to my wishlist, looks really impressive.