Arbeit Macht Frei: Obama and AuschwitzGate

In the interests of fighting ignorance, and incorrect arithmetic, I think you meant [12658.194*sqrt(-1)]/0. Whether it’s because you know nothing about transdimensional physics, or just used a 10-key and missed by one row I’ll leave to you and your conscience.


I was simply using the slightly more nuanced Lemurian method of transplanar calculation.

You’re not getting it. The lizard folk have REPLACED Michael Jackson, so there is no human pigment to absorb. But the alien’s faux pigment has been fading away over the years, as has his nose.

Now that’s just plain kooky, what are you? Some kind of conspiracy theorist? :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Obama is my second choice, so take what I say with a grain of salt: this kinda crap is what is wrong with the media and American politics. This is not a policy matter or a character issue in any respect.

McCain not knowing the difference between Shiites and Sunnis, or even that they have a long standing religious disagreement is relevant because he doesn’t understand what is necessary for ongoing policy in the Middle East, and hasn’t bothered to learn it during his long tenure in Congress.

Youi’re confusing me now, is Obama a Shite or a Sunni?

Both. Neither. Whichever is worse.

But you see, this is a case of McCain being wrong and of Obama being wrong. They’ve both been wrong, so it’s the same!


Piffle. My great-uncle Joe parachuted into Tokyo_alone_sacked it, burnt it to the ground, sacked it again, and then skull-fucked Tojo to death while getting rimmed by Hirohito. All this while dressed as Mae West, all smoked up on marijahooney, and armed with only a No. 2 pencil.

Y’know, when you exaggerate TOO much, it stops being funny. I have documentary evidence that Joe was also armed with a Faber-Castell eraser.

Busted. :frowning:

Sure it wasn’t a Pink Pearl?

Don’t get smutty!

I love this from the Washington Post Fact Checker:

You know, Pinocchio’s nose in the graphics that accompany that text look like they might have some use to you… what could it be?

Three Pinocchios (aka Three out of Four on a scale of outright Lies) for calling his great-uncle an uncle and getting the wrong concentration camp. Oy.

And in other news, several bloggers and even “journalists” are now condemning Obama for “throwing his church under the bus” (a meme phrase du anno evidently). Many of course condemned him earlier for not resigning from the church. I suppose if he really loved America he’d walk into the place with a flamethrower and then perform an exorcism, all while wearing an American flag lapel pin of course.

At first, I was quasi-impressed that he linked to the 89th Infantry Division website, but then I clicked on the link and see that he’s routed people to a sub-page on Ohrdruf, rather than the homepage which explicitly responds to the Charles T. Payne “issue.” All the window dressing of honest journalism, but none of the goods.

And I just have to quote my favorite response to the article from the comments section:

Tee hee!

Bumped due to relevant update-

Perhaps it’s because of bloggers claiming the great-uncle doesn’t exist (which has happened again since this thread started), but Obama’s great uncle, Charlie Paine (the one who some claim doesn’t exist) was introduced at the Convention last night.


Wait. What?

Exactly. Anyone who cares about this is would never have voted for Obama in the first place.