I cannot help but notice that many American cops these days look like they would…stand no chance of catching any suspect in a foot chase. Are they still required to pass periodic physical tests on running speed?
In Chicago, there’s a bonus if you can pass a fitness test. However, there’s no penalty for failing the test or even failing to take the test. Few POs attempt it.
One of the cop shows I watch had a female officer who ran marathons. She said she may not run as fast as the perp, but she can damn sure outlast them.
Depends entirely on the agency.
I realize this is not even close to a fair comparison and I don’t intend to hijack this thread…
But as a former teacher whose conservative friends were all about how we should have tough, high-stakes testing in schools and shouldn’t be giving out trophies merely for participation, this made me chuckle.
I suppose it’s more akin to an optional extra-credit assignment, but still funny to me.
The bonus is about $300 so even more meaningless. There are some very, very unfit officers. I mean, very.
They do pass fitness tests at the Police academy.
Situps,Agility Run,Push ups, Bench Press etc.
This Arkansas City PD has a physical fitness test for applicants. It’s tougher than the police academy.
That doesn’t seem like it would help when you lose them around a corner right away.
I understand the sentiment, but it seems like most foot chases are over (because the suspect is caught or lost) within 90 seconds or so.
I’ve yet to see a foot chase that goes on for miles and miles down a long straight road.
Having said that, if she can run marathons, there’s a good chance she’s in good enough shape to catch them right away.
Which cop show is it? I watch LivePD, but can’t think of anyone on that show that’s mentioned it.
I thought it was Live PD, but I could be mistaken. I would imagine most cops hate running after a perp, especially with all that extra weight they’re carrying (gun, walkie talkie, etc.)
A Vest must make running very awkward.
Not as awkward as being really fat…
Donuts are cops kryptonite.
I bet the old cops that walked a beat were fitter. Walking is great exercise. Riding in a patrol car is like us sitting at a desk all day.
The extra weight they have to carry while chasing someone, plus not being a 20 year old anymore gets brought up a lot.
It’s entirely possible it was Live PD and I just missed her saying it.
I don’t blame cops one bit, those donuts are delicious
I seem to be alone here, but personal observation supports the opposite. I remember a lot of overweight cops from my younger days, but almost all I see now are quite fit.
As long as there is someone along the road at periodic intervals handing her a cup of Gatorade.
Maybe this is why so many cops shoot and beat people so they don’t have to run after them.
30 or so years ago, my very overweight BIL went thru a police academy in FL. I seem to recall there were some physical fitness tests involved, and I guess he passed them. But, according to him, he didn’t get hired because “all they were hiring were women and blacks.” I’m sure his borderline diabetes and significant girth had nothing to do with it… :rolleyes:
The few county deputies and state cops I’ve seen here in southern Merrylande look reasonably fit. On the other hand, I’ve seen a lot of national news footage with a lot of rotund officers, and it’s always a bit jarring.
I have a friend who just went through the Phoenix police academy. She would describe all the physical challenges they put the new recruits through - running with gear on, climbing walls, strength challenges, etc.